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Draft Folder Cleaning: Spaulding’s Rules of Conflict.

No. 1: You Must Be an Active Participant in Your Own Rescue

People who thinks the cavalry is going to come over the hill and save them at the last minute have spent too much time in front of the TV. Any street cop will tell you that the times when they have interrupted a crime in progress were memorable because that doesn’t happen often. Police response times are measured in minutes, while crimes in progress are measured in seconds. So unless the officer is on top of the event when it occurs, stopping a crime while it happens is highly unlikely.

via Spaulding’s Rules of Conflict – Training – LawOfficer.com.

Makes for VERY interesting reading. I will disagree with #6 though on Gun Nut value alone.



Draft Folder Cleaning: “Killed by Acquaintance”

While it is true that most murders are classified as murders by acquaintances, most people, including apparently “Mr. Holmes,” don’t have a clue what the term means. For example, most “acquaintances” are members of rival gangs. Acquaintances also involve people who have perceived financial relations. If a cab driver picks up a fare and then the fare kills the cab driver, that is classified as an acquaintance murder. But if a person comes up to the side of the cab and murders the cab driver, that would be classified as a stranger murder. These are hardly the friends, spouses, and business associates that Holmes refers to.

via John Lott’s Website: Yet another error in CBS’s Elementary, a smart guy who keeps making inaccurate liberal claims about crime.

When you read the Antis bemoan how people are killed by “acquaintance” according to the FBI, you may want to know how the Feds actually qualify the word for their stats.


Gun Control Activists Lied? I’m shocked, shocked!

So an Open Carry Group has the amazing idea to counter demonstrate a Moms Demand Action gathering (all of 4 Moms which that tells you plenty) pose for pics, have a nasty looking side picture taken and suddenly everybody is amazed that the Opposition will totally lie and misrepresent the event.

bullies1open carry Tx Moms side viewI understand the urge to show them they are not in charge but, can we do it in a more intelligent fashion? I know you can also pee to mark your territory, but there are better ways that do not violate local health codes.

You want the same shocking value without ending up like props for their propaganda? Have everybody wear one of this:

I like caps better than t-shirts: higher from the ground means higher visibility and if you take a group picture, the lettering will be visible unless you hide your face behind somebody. This one in particular stand a long way and are easy to read.

And yes, you don’t have to lug the damned rifles everywhere, worry that they are secured, etc.

And yes, it is your gorramed right, but choose your weapons carefully. PR ricochets are stupid: Be smart.

Via Florida Gun Forum by way of Bearing Arms.

You smile for today: Christmas Fun With Che Guevera

I was doing some early Christmas shopping this weekend when I discovered the most disturbing holiday gift since the John Wayne Gacy clown make-up kit. Under the tree at one of my favorite stores was a Che Guevara plush doll.

via Rick Robinson: Christmas Fun With Che Guevera | The River City News.

What starts as a righteous indignation article ends in the old maxim that Men Never Grow Up. For the record, I would have done the same thing myself.

Hat Tip to Mad Saint Jack