I can’t think of a category

Rightheaven still on the prowl.

Newspapers are hurting for cash all over. Subscriptions which is their bread and butter is down sharply and they are desperate to make up for loss revenue. Instead of maybe trying to attract readers by, oh hell I don’t know, actually reporting the news, reflecting the views of he community instead of trying to impose their political views and publishing more stories than ads, they go and hire Righthaven, an Attila-The-Hun-Tactics company who does nothing that surf the blogosphere for “violators” of copyright laws and sue them into silence. They basically target anybody who quotes a newspaper’s digital content whether they link to the newspaper or not and they really don’t care if you are a small blogger who decided to share with the world the great recipe for Snickerdoodle Cookies she found in the Life Section of the newspaper.

Now, Has anybody told the Rain Men at the Newspaper company that advertising revenues for online publications are rated by hits to the website? I am not advocating here that a newspaper should let anybody steal their content but for Hearst’s sake, if the bloggers are quoting a paragraph of an article and providing a link for the reader to go read the whole thing on the paper’s website, you are losing potential readers! Less hits means less money for the price of your ads you dumb morons! You do not treat anemia by bloodletting the patient.

So, let’s hit them where they are hurting: money. Go to the Righthaven Victims Blog and learn how to block the newspaper websites that are under the protection racket of the Umbrella Corporation Righatheaven. And make sure you pass the word to your fellow bloggers and friends. And also stay up to date on the comings and goings of the Newspaper Mafia Group by following Clayton Cramer’s Blog.

h/t to Sebastian.

My take on WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and Bradley Manning.

Truth be told, I don’t get the fuss and awe on Julian Assange. All of the sudden he has become some new paladin for the First Amendment after his equally stupid earlier elevation as mastermind enemy of the United States. He is clearly neither but just some guy which gets info sent by pissed off, low level apparatchik employees and he just posts them out in his defunct site with the standard left wing anti USA commentary. And for an Aussie, the guy is quite pale, he looks like a reject from the movie Twilight. Clearly he spends way too much time under neon lights and not enough under the sun capturing vitamin D.

PFC Bradly Manning clearly broke the law and violated his oath to his fellow soldiers. He is probably a spoiled child that was mad nobody recognized his value and smartness so he took it on himself to teach a lesson by stealing State Department memos and a some military info and pass it along to Assange. He’ll probably get his comeuppance and be somebody’s bitch a Leavenworth for a long long time.

However, the State Department continues to be a haven for the Idiots running at full inefficiency. More attuned to the interest of the UN and the rest of the world instead of taking care of the business of the United States, the State Department commands an absolute lack of respect from any other government operation that deals with threats from enemies of the US abroad. That their tons of documents were unsecured in servers where a mere PFC could just download and email to an cheap Aussie cyber peddler bring out the conceit they have for themselves and the lack of respect that they have for the Nation. But do not expect to see any State Department heads rolling any time soon. It does not matter how big they screw up, they always manage to assure themselves a pass.

At the end, the people really responsible for this leak will never be indicted. They will just get a raise and sent to a plush job somewhere in Paris paid by the taxpayer. And everybody will save face and live happily ever after.

Man swallows a bag of cocaine…

From MetroWest Daily News:

“He made a quick movement to the center console, and there was small baggie with a white powder in it,” Brandolini said. “He immediately made a movement to put it in his mouth…He made a quick movement to the center console, and there was small baggie with a white powder in it,” Brandolini said. “He immediately made a movement to put it in his mouth.”

.. yep, you can tell.