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A New Myth: Criminals Using The Castle Doctrine.

Dauphin County District Attorney Edward Marsico on Pennsylvania’s Governor Rendell vetoing the extension of the Castle Law.

It came as a shock to me that scores of felons were abusing the Castle Doctrine in Florida. Nothing appeared in the news other than William Cervone, president of Florida’s Prosecuting Attorneys Association who is a bit pissed about the law telling him what to do instead of following what the legislature has written into the Florida Statutes. It doesn’t matter that felons that have applied for the Castle Doctrine as defense have failed miserably just as the first publicized case after the passing of the extension in Florida. Nine year old Sherdavia Senkins lost her life when dopers Leroy ”Yellow Man” LaRose and Damon ”Red Rock” Darling who decided to settle a discrepancy via guns. All the media announced the more than great chance that both critters would walk free because of the new law and that the murder of Sherdavia would go unpunished thanks to a legislature that bent over for the NRA and passed such evil law. Unfortunately for the naysayers, the conspiracy never congealed and both critters are serving time.
The opposition to any extension of the Castle Doctrine is nothing more that a protest by District Attorneys because they are forced to relinquish their power. That they can determine what is self-defense is a very powerful political tool that comes in handy election time. What a better way to garner media attention and this votes (double if you cater to a minority) than create and then get yourself involved in prosecuting a high profile murder case?
Remember, it is always about People Control.

Brady Bill: Celebrating with pride what didn’t work.

Bruce Kauffmann over the AppealDemocrat.com is commemorating/celebrating/lamenting another anniversary of the Brady Bill. You can almost hear the tears hitting his keyboard as he reminisces the good old times where people of strength stood up to the NRA and passed such important piece of legislation….sure Bruce.

But what I like the best in his article is the following statistic:

and since the Brady Bill’s passage approximately 2 million attempted firearms purchases, approximately half by convicted felons, have been denied.

Seriously? 2 million purchases denied? One million attempted by felons? Really Bruce, Do you actuaqlly said that with a clear conscience or a half functioning brain? Let’s say for the sake of the argument that your numbers are right. Does it bother you at all that one million non-felons were denied of their constitutional rights by a mistake? And it is well known that mistakes were and are still being bade with the background checks; I was once denied by mistake, allegedly I was a felon wanted for murder. My wife had a good laugh about that.

But let’s stretch the argument to its fantastic extreme. Let us say that the 2 million denials were for felonies, bad conduct discharges, misdemeanor conviction for domestic violence, restraining order, adjudicated for mental health or known drug abuser, Where are the 2 million prosecutions? Where are the convictions for violations of the gun control act? Where are the fines collected for violating the law (up to $250,00 per violation)? Where are the felons serving or that served up to 10 years in prison for violations of the gun control act?

Two million people violating the Gun Control act during 17 comes around 117,647 Federal Weapons cases cases a year. Don’t you think by now we would have heard that the Federal Courts were flooded and unable to deal with the caseload? I haven’t and neither have you or otherwise you would have mentioned it in your article. The sad truth is that the Brady Bill was a feel good measure and nothing more. When President Clinton flaunted the numbers of the first year of the Brady Bill (some 100,000+ if I recall correctly) word leaked that only 10 cases made it to court and only one conviction was achieved. That is an appalling  0.001% of all the potential cases according to the numbers waved at the public by the Clinton administration.

The Brady Bill like this article by Mr. Kauffmann, was nothing more than an embarrassing collection of misinformation and lies.

I don’t want your guns, just your cash.

Proving once again that hypocrites care about their pockets, opponents of Tennessee’s  Guns-In-Bars law had no problem whatsoever welcoming the NRA convention slated for 2015 in Nashville.

Has the NRA convention changed Spyridon’s and Rayburn’s minds? Both men say no. But they welcome NRA wallets.

I would call them shameless whores, but I’d be sued by Ladies of The Night everywhere.

And how about this for a clincher?

As for whether they are concerned that NRA members will go honky-tonkin’ while packing, Spyridon tossed them a back-handed compliment:”I think the city will be pretty safe that week,” he said.

I guess somebody told them about the NRA convention in Charlotte, NC where crime went down 45% during the NRA convention and they had 80,000 visitors spending their cash with lots of peace and love.


A not-so-novel approach against poachers.

Kenya Wildlife Agents Kill 2 Elephant Poachers. I seem to recall they used to do that in now socialistic-defunct Rhodesia with great success.

“We want to make poaching a high-risk and low-benefit business,” Udoto said. “Anybody who engages in poaching or trafficking of (wildlife) trophies will have a very difficult life and including losing their lives.”

Bad grammar, great concept.

Illustrating the concept of Mission Determines Gear.

Sabrina pose notwithstanding ,the photo is very revealing on the concept of Mission Determines Gear.  This week, Brazil’s Military Police literally invaded a really nasty neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro trying to dismantle a drug organization entrenched deeply in the area and responsible for many murders. Construction in the Favelas of Rio is made with concrete blocks and lots of cement (wood is so expensive only the ultra rich can afford it) so a 5.56 round will have trouble penetrating a wall.  FN FALs (as depicted in the picture) are the choice for blasting hard cover and taking the fight to bunkered down criminals.

This is not to say that 5.56 does not have a place in the Brazilian urban warfare. As we can see in the next photo, either in a scoped version for long range work or short version for house clearing, a rifle in 5.56 is necessary and even desirable.


Although I cannot imagine the logistical nightmare that must be to heavily depend on two different calibers and weapon’s systems, the fact that the specific need of the moment is what dictates what should be used instead of some procurement dictum stated by somebody who’s never left the office should be applauded.

Gravity also helps: 2 dead in a Home Robbery.

It might be good for Bad Guys to take notes: When breaking into a home, make sure that the home owner is not armed and prepared to use the gun and also to choose a ground level apartment for the deed. Two critters are now enjoying their turkey dinner at a location hotter than Miami after breaking into a Palmetto Village condo. Apparently the owner shot and killed one while the other was shot in the arm and decided to take a dive out a third foor window.  It seems that the sudden decrease of acceleration combined with a pavement overdose was not a good thing and the critter died.

Gravity is not a suggestion: It is the Law!

UPDATE: A bit more from the Miami Herald.

Dumb quote: “Nothing like this ever happened here before,” said Sergio Tejada, who was visiting his aunt in a nearby unit for Thanksgiving. “It’s a pretty safe neighborhood — or it was.”

It wasn’t safe and the actions of the bad guys demonstrated that. It is a bit safer now that 2 robbers will not fall into recidivism and the word will spread that that area might be dangerous to the health of criminals.