I can’t think of a category

Safety Bullet? I don’t think so!

Sometimes one wonders what goes through somebody’s mind when they design a product, specially safety related. Although I applaud ingenuity, I have to say the levels of dangerous consequences of this particular item are just too much. The idea that if I need a gun in a hurry and I have to add two slide racks on a semi automatic to get it operational or having to chase after a rod in a revolver is just too chilling. The potential to convert a firearm into a club in the heat of the moment is just too great. And it is kinda insulting treating a 1911 (or any modern handgun) like a muzzle loader.

And the weapon’s handling technique of the gentleman is less than desirable. I am guessing that kind of safety is not available in his universe.

EPA Considering Ban on Traditional Ammunition.

Via NSSF. The Center for Biological Diversity (tree hugger,-humans-are-evil organization) wants to have a ban on all lead-based ammunition. EPA dutifully and with servility decided to try and bypass the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976, a law in which Congress expressly exempted ammunition and open hearings and comments on the subject.

So time to get buys and start protesting this idiocy. You can leave your comment for the EPA here and it is also a good idea to start contacting you representatives.

Dental Floss? Diskette? You have to be kidding me.

Gearfuse gives us a taste of 101 Weapons for Women. This is one of those books that the author tried to do a serious job, but somebody with a regular functioning brain will be bouncing between laughter at some of the idiocies and horror at the idea of somebody actually trying to implement those techniques for self defense. The Dental Floss alone has the potential of an SNL sketch.

Honorable Deadly Weapon Mention goes to:

We men owe a HUGE apology to women for crap like this. That we ever had a chance to share air with them back then is a darn miracle.
Anyway, I think women in general would have a better chance to defend themselves by using Chocolate Weaponry.

‘If you have any problems, you let us know. ”

It is Christmas Eve and you are enjoying time with your family. A criminal breaks in and by the luck of the gods, a shotgun and a valiant son, Raymond E. Woollard manages to control the Bad Guy. Police is called and arrives an hour later. After this incident Mr. Woollard applied for and obtained a Maryland Concealed Weapons Permit and as any other citizen with such permit, he has lived a law abiding life. However Mr. Woollard went to renew his permit last year and:

Maryland State Police denied his request last year to renew the permit, saying they thought the danger to his life had passed.

The agency said it was “because I hadn’t been attacked” again, Woollard said in an interview. “They said, ‘If you have any problems, you let us know.’ ”

Yes, you know all experts say you should leave it to the professionals… the ones that are ONE HOUR AWAY say “Let’s wait and see if somebody tries to make liquefied Spam out of your innards and then, maybe, we will re-issue you your permit. Who runs MSP? Ms. Cleo from The Psychic Friends Network? “Ja Mon, you is safe and will not be attacked by bad guys no mo”?

Mr. Woollard filed a federal lawsuit and let’s hope Maryland joins the States that do not feel that its citizens are too stupid to enjoy their God Given Rights.