Other Than Guns

Living Death has a particular taste.

According to Larry Correia’s latest: Wall of Flame Challenge.

This pepper laughs at jalapenos. This pepper makes the habenero it’s bitch. This pepper has no name, and the ancient Middianites who discovered it referred to it only as – TERRIBLE SHRIEKING DOOM – before it destroyed their entire civilization. This pepper exists in multiple quantum dimensions at one time. This pepper divides by zero.


I just got back from Barnes & Noble to fend off my insatiable craving for books. I was after Tales from the Stakeout Squad by Paul Kirchner and The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. After 45 minutes of searching, I decided to ask the Customer Help desk to locate the books. No joy on the Cirillo book according to the associate but they did have a copy of Musashi’s book. The lady left the kiosk and instead of taking a left and head for Military books (like it appears in the website) she made a right. I followed her to a row near the entrance where she pulled out the volume and gave it to me. I thanked her but I was kinda surprised at the location… under books for Business Management.

Somehow I don’t see a Katana being used much in Corporate America (or Corporate Japan for that matter), specially with the No Weapons policy in most workplaces. Just in case I might have to carry if I get called to the main office.

Next person up north that comments 42 degrees is not cold….

… will be dare to do the following when their local temperature rises again to 42.

  1. Turn off any heating systems.
  2. Open all windows.
  3. Wear only summer clothes. (Sandals or flip flops are acceptable)
  4. Deal with winds between 10 to 25 mph.

Most houses and living quarters in South Florida do not have any kind of heating other than the kitchen oven. Also they are built to reject heat, not absorb it. You could not find a portable heater in any store anywhere because the dozen there were available in the Four County area were snatched in the first 30 seconds of the first cold front but most hurricane lamps and Coleman Gas Lamps will help heat up a room till the carbon monoxide alarm goes off.  Winter clothing? There is not such thing as wool or down in South Florida. There were riots in the local WalMarts for hoodies and Long Johns (Old guys with canes are mean as hell and can swing hard. In a pinch they will pitch their dentures at you like a the Senior’s version of a shuriken). We are wearing construction gloves to protect our hands and about 4 pair of socks.

Next hippie that talks to me about Global Warming will get a free shave and a haircut with my grass trimmer.

Climate Change, David Copperfield style.

You gotta give it to the AlGorians, no matter how much Mother Nature proves them wrong, they love to come up with an excuse to explain why weather events happen just the opposite they predict.

In today’s New York Times we have the article “Climate-Change Debate Is Heating Up in Deep Freeze” and the best quote is the following:

Most climate scientists respond that the ferocious storms are consistent with forecasts that a heating planet will produce more frequent and more intense weather events.

OK, now if you care to explain to me how can I produce a pound of ice from the inside of a hot oven, I’ll buy into this Global Warming bullcrap. Otherwise just shut the hell up and wait till summer to bring the issue again.

Things that tick me off.

Morbid Obesity is not a handicap. The fact that you are a 30 year old lard ass who has no self control and have to down 7 pound of Twinkies a day does not give you the right to abuse motorized chairs placed by a store for the elderly and those with serious infirmities.  Get off the damn thing and walk, it may actually help you.

People that steal your ideas, go running to the boss, make it look as if they came up with it and get promoted. Extra tick-off points if they write you up when you refuse to help them develop the idea that wasn’t theirs to begin with.

The expression “You are such a hater” which is political equivalent of “What-e-ver.” It is as mature as the present administration accusing former President Bush of each and every failure they had so far. Grow the fuck up for christsakes.

To the National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences: Newsflash,  it is time to ditch the Grammys.  Post show comments will include who was wearing what, who is dating who, who did something stupid live on camera because his/her career is tanking and needs the extra publicity or who was drunk/drugged/high. You never hear anymore who played the best or who sang the best. Music has been relegated to a tertiary role between commercials and press releases.