
The war against the NRA.

The “No Compromise” bunch keeps ratcheting the noise against the NRA. While most Pro 2A will agree to disagree but will not set fire to each other’s fire hoses, the Gun Owners of America has become the best allied the Obama Administration has against private ownership of firearms since the VPC and the Brady Bunch and so they must be brought out to the light.

Under the helm of Larry Pratt, who some say never leaves home with his personal set of embroidered sheets, and a book of selected dictums from James Buchanan (The Pat Robertson of politics), the GOA fancies itself as the true Second Amendment/No Compromise organization. That they haven’t been able to do anything effective other suck up membership fees out of the gullible commando-wannabees and being used as reference by the Anti Second Amendment crowd is a different tune that should not be mentioned in order to keep the image.

It is my opinion that alongside the now defunct and pro-Obama AHSA, GOA has done more damage to the The Right to Keep and Bear Arms than Sarah Brady and Chuck Schummer combined by trying to split Gun Owners away from the most effective Gun Rights organization there is.  That the GOA has consistently batted around zero in his alleged Pro-2A efforts is not mentioned by the organization itself. It is sort like a rogue doctor that badmouths the “Medical Establishment” for not curing 100% of the sick people but has never cured anyone himself and has a tough time operating a band aid.

According to the GOA, they themselves by them lonesome were responsible for the DC v Heller Supreme Court decision but other than introducing an amicus curiae, they had no influence whatsoever in the presentation to the Court. They are also allegedly responsible for the Katrina Bills, although they never showed up in New Orleans or pretty much gave a damn about its gun owners or to recover their confiscated weapons. GOA does have a pattern to claim somebody else’s success (including the NRA’s. Ain’t that sweet?”) as their own.

We know damn well that the NRA is not perfect and that its rating system has now been figured by scum politicos to be gamed in their favor, but it is still a far cry better than a group of wailers that have not contributed one iota in favor of my gun rights and whose leader would not mind at all having my gun rights removed because I happen to have a non-Anglo surname.

“Be a patriot on some other day.”

You’d probably seen on the news about the crap storm that happened in a Gilroy (People’s Republica De California) when the principal of Four Live Oak High School sent four students home for wearing T-Shirts depicting the American flag during the celebration of the Cinco de Mayo, a made up Mexican Holiday.

It is disgusting enough that wearing the US colors inside the United States could be construed as “incendiary”  but when I read the following quote:

“It’s disrespectful to do it on Cinco de Mayo,” said Jessica Cortez, a Live Oak sophomore. “They can be a patriot on some other day. Not that specific day.”

What in the name of the hookers of Tijuana (Mexico’s third biggest source of income after drugs and money sent from the USA by “undocumented” workers) are you talking about dear Cholita?  Do you have the ovarios to dictate when can somebody be patriotic? And if you are so Mexican Patriota, How come you have a Gringo name and live in Gringolandia and partake of the fruits that the Gringos stole from your Aztec People (The official parasites that sucked the life out of the Mayans) I just hate hypocrites.

Oye Yesi, you wanna impress me? Get your American Blue Jeans’ ass down to Ciudad de Mejico and demand the following:

  • Have official forms and paperwork in both English and Spanish.
  • Demand that informational signage should be in both English and Spanish.
  • Protest the drastic inmigration laws of Mejico and demand free passage between Mejico and Honduras.
  • Demand that the Fourth of July be celebrated or at least respected and that schools should raise the Stars & Bars and erase all traces of the Mexican flag during that day.
  • Tell us where to send the donations for your funeral, ’cause you will probably be beaten to death .

Si seras pendeja muchacha.

Quick note: Cinco de Mayo is allegedly commemorated for the Battle of Puebla. Only the people from Puebla sort of celebrates it and only because you may get a free day off work. This battle was in between the Mexican Army and the French and the French lost…as usual. It is embarrassing that anybody would celebrate beating a country that has a genetic disposition to wave a whit flag. Somebody said that the Battle of Pueblas is like the end of Rocky 2: Mexico was declared the winner because they got up first to run away and the referee called a K.O. for the hell of it.

How Not to Get Shot By Police: Don’t act Stupid.

David Codrea’s post on How Not to Get Shot By Police is somewhat coincidental. Last night during witching hour, a bunch of patrol cars from the local PD came flying in looking to get in our property (a vast areas lemme tell ya) and you could tell they were in a pissed-off hurry. I granted them access and a total of 11 vehicles rushed in. A couple of them had their swirly lights on and our supervisor Peter P. (as in the Peter Principle) came out of his masturbatory cubbyhole, frantically waving screaming to the cops to shut down the lights least they scare our skittish dwellers. Cops obviously were gone before he could say much so Peter jumped in a golf cart and gave chase. About 15 minutes later Peter is back looking somewhat stricken and commented that a cop pointed a gun at him for no good reason.  It seems Peter P. found where the empty police vehicles were parked, two of them with the lights doing the Disco scene, got off his golf cart and proceeded to search on foot for the officers. Did I mention that the property is veeery dark at night? Peter P. did find a couple of officers who trained their sidearms on him and almost shot him in a case of high level stupidity.

As it happened, Police were looking for a violent fella (big sucker too) who was involved in an Assault & Battery, ran away and jumped our fence. He got arrested and taken away and all officers left waving thanks for our cooperation, OK one didn’t while he gave Peter P. a dose of the evil eye as he drove by. After all Black & Whites were gone, Peter being his Principled self admonished me for not stopping the offending vehicles and telling them to kill their lights. I pointed out to Peter that racking a dose of Obstruction of Justice was not something I wanted to achieve when cops were after a dangerous felon, but I don’t think he understood the concept. Oh well…

NRA: The Gun Owners’ Welfare State.

The new trend amongst the gun “chic” is to openly badmouth the NRA. According to several posts in blogs and open letters, we should basically go to Virginia and set fire to the NRA Building ’cause the NRA is not doing enough. The latest and loudest comes from the director Jewish For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership Aaron Zelman in An Open Letter To Ted Nugent: “The Day I’ll Join The NRA.

Others are bitching about the NRA’s meet in North Carolina not being allowed to carry inside the convention center. Others are still pissed that the NRA got in the Supreme Court presentation in McDonald v. Chicago even though  that after reading the transcripts, it seems we will be winning because the NRA’s due process clause approach after the beating Alan Gura (and God Bless this man’s work) took from all judges about Incorporation.

So the gripes against the NRA are limitless. I posted in Say Uncle that by next week, somebody will say that the NRA was secretly funding the Violence Policy Center. I am willing to bet that the loudest crybabies are the ones that only pay the yearly $35 for NRA’s membership.  That little card it seems has become the Official Welfare Card of the Gun Owners because their “members” make some amazing demands and in a time frame that borders selective stupidity. It seems that personal responsibility went out the window and we are behaving exactly as like those lazy ass bastards on the Government Cheese sucking the life out of the hard working people through taxation to pay for their housing, medicines and … yes, government cheese.

Some examples why NRA is bad (according to the crybabies) because :

  • It hasn’t destroyed The National Firearms Act.
  • It has not achieved yet Constitutional Carry.
  • Does not provide Lawyers Pro Bono if you are stupid enough to break gun laws.
  • It is too cozy with Cops. (Like pissing off all LEOs is something to be proud of or even smart.)
  • They are too close to Washington D.C.

The crybabies demand (for $35 a year):

  • Free Guns
  • Free Ammo
  • Instant reversal of US v. MIller.
  • Instant Constitutional Carry (The fact that carrying a weapon was unheard off in the last century and a half except in the West does not apply)
  • Free pro Bono lawyers for any kind of legal problems.
  • Do more for Hunting and less for Gun Rights
  • Do more for Gun Rights and less for Hunting.
  • Get pro gun laws written, passed by congress and signed into law within 24 hours (just like they solve crimes in CSI)

Really people, shut the fuck up. And pardon my french but enough with the rubbish.

“Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”

By now you should be aware of the controversy regarding Comedy Central and the censorship of an episode of South Park portraying Mohammed and the threats by some Islamic moron from Brooklyn named Abu Talhal und Falafel et Camel or something like that who posted in his now defunct website that “”We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.” The site displayed picture of the corpse of Theo Van Gogh as added visual reference.

The bending over of Comedy Central was their own and the South Park producers Matt Stone and Trey Parker were not involved. Actually they sounded kind of pissed by Comedy Central’s actions and its bout of Political Correctness in a station who has no qualms on letting programs insult other religions.

So in response of these threats and Comedy Central’s sudden testicular vanishing, the “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” has been set for May 20, 2010.

This should be interesting. I can already hear the cries of racism and intolerance from CAIR and the bowel-less pundits everywhere. Heck, I might get creative myself just to see them anguish and pissed.

Hat Tip to Conservative Scalawag.