
Facepalm News.

  • Outlaw pot growers in California fear legalization. I kid you not. Tony Montana would be so proud…
  • “It is clear that the flow of illegal arms and cash have contributed to the violence observed in our country,” So it says Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa. Of course having one of the more corrupt governments in the world and a police force that actually is the one providing the guns to the drug dealers have nothing to do with the Violence in Mexico. It is them Gringo gun shows where they sell rocket launchers and submarines.
    • On getting old and deluded idiots.

      The thing about getting old (notice I did not say to mature with age) is that I find myself having less patience dealing with people that spout fecal verbosity. I think I have become grouchy/crochety and I actually enjoy it to a point.

      We all know there is nothing more insufferable that an idiot that does not know squat about guns trying to talk like an expert. That goes double if the person is young and cherishes the irresponsible life of a Gansta/Rapper/Urban Criminal. A couple of days ago, some whippersnapper at work was boasting about his “homies” in the neighborhood. This dumb kid was actually in awe at their “ability” with Glocks, “Choppers” (AKlons) and other weapons plus how cool they were in their “badness.” My mouth ran away and I asked him if his buddies shot with the guns sideways to which he responded yes. I just smiled and shut up not wanting to start an argument but it was too late. The Young Punk Wannabee suddenly took umbrage of my comment and proceeded to make the case for the badasses with lots of gusto and assorted words in Urban Slang. I stopped him, told him that “Hunting ain’t fun when the rabbit shoots back” and left. (I am sure that Young Punk Wannabee is still trying to digest the comment.)

      Still, it bothered me. I have tried to reason with this particular person before about the dangers of having too much ego and mixing it with guns or any other deadly weapons. He asked me to instruct him so he could get his concealed weapons permit and I said no after a long meditation and some of his actions afterward. I kept on trying to instill some amount of logic and common sense about guns but I guess it did not take: He went for the MTV image instead of the reality of things.

      I confess I was a bit upset and after I got home I wrote a long rambling post about Real Shooters versus Gang Bangers and how the homies would not have a chance against a half way trained Shooters but I decided not to publish it. It would go to waste on people like him and somebody would immediately feel insulted and start a rant about my insensitivity and racist tendencies and that meant I would have  to get nasty with the PC Moron and get more aggravated for nothing. Plus, Why give info away? I live in South Florida and there is always the chance of a Hurricane and social services being stretched way beyond their normal capacity so it is unable to reign in the Homies and the Predators and they don’t need to know what we are capable to do to them if they take a trip into the wrong neighborhood.

      I guess I have to realize that some people are beyond saving. Tough call.

      I am stupid so you shouldn’t have rights… if you believe me.

      In an article in the Hufftington Post, ‘I am‘ Sam Isaac Edwards goes into deep soul searching cum confession explaining that because we was stupid that during a night of libido bullshit showing off to a girlfriend, after chugging half a bottle of tequila and fingerfucking with a .45 caliber gun he ended up with a negligent (Yes I am Sam, mixing booze, guns with macho posture and ending up with a non-programmed shot is NEGLIGENCE) discharge that killed his refrigerator. Because of his self-confessed stupidity, I Am Sam begs legislators to think again before allowing less enlightened humans carry a concealed weapon wherever alcohol is served.

      This Flagellant article reeks fabrication. After a half a bottle of Tequila, normal human beings are pretty much in between deep sleep or serious alcohol coma. Yet I Am Sam is still in good shape but barely tipsy enough to forget his finger placement…Ooopsie! And if you were really “in control” after the fore mentioned half a bottle of tequila, then your problem is not guns but serious alcoholism. Put the gun down and go to the nearest AA meeting.

      And you know, if you would have stopped there, I might have shut up and just make a comment about how your lack of brains is not enough to suspend the rights of the rest of your fellow citizens. But you had to add:

      I opened the door and something deep red ran out onto the tile in quick rivulets. Jeez, I thought, I musta hit an artery. I had. Ocean Spray Cranberry, the Aorta sized bottle.

      A tad over the top with the overreaching visual. You went from souffle to scrambled eggs with extra two stirs and the piece of deep literary and psychological insight became just another cheap political ploy. And publishing it in the HuffPoo didn’t help either. So I am calling it Bravo Sierra and you go to Jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. And for the next time, less is more.

      Hat Tip and Muchas Gracias to Say Uncle

      White House Chutzpah: You critcs are helping Al-Qaeda.

      OK, seriously. Are the only testicles available in the White House in Michelle Obama’s purse? According to the Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (read Czar for Diaper Bombers and other Man Made Disasters) John Brennan, Politically motivated criticism and unfounded fear-mongering only serve the goals of al-Qaeda.”
      as it appeared in an op-ed in US Today

      Are you out of your effing mind??? Seriously dude.  What kind of repugnant pond scum are you? Did you take medications before spouting such a load of crap or do you have to be lobotomized and castrated to write such garbage? Or maybe simply you are just an asshole?

      I could go on a long winded rant, but the best answer was provided in the response section of the ABC blog by a reader.

      2008: Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism.

      2009: Dissent is the highest form of Racism.

      2010: Dissent is the highest form of Terrorism.

      The Starbucks Wars.

      (Cue Imperial March theme from Star Wars)

      Official Statement by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence but Failing Miserably ‘Cause We Don’t Get It.

      In a city far far Left, a voice of reason rises above the uncouth rednecks with guns. Our Hero Mark Morford, rises to fight against the evil forces of the NRA Empire. His stylish writing full of witty repartee strikes deep and wide using every possible prejudiced thought while managing to lie through his teeth and avoid the issue of Human Rights, Self-Defense and just plain common sense (common sense not available in California, void where prohibited by the Brady Bunch). And all because there might be some of them rednecks at his local Starbuck and he does not want to be nervous while sipping his overpriced caffeine beverage.

      Welcome to the Starbuck Wars. Apparently the whole thing got legs out of an ABC report about Open Carry proponents meeting peacefully at different Starbucks in the Bay Area of SanFran. It seems that some have been horrendously scared that people would actually have the balls and the rest of the equipment to defend themselves and have thrown a super hissy fit about it. Of course now enters the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (A.K.A. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence by providing criminals with defenseless victims and A.K.A. The Brady Bunch) with the words of the local coordinator Karen Arntzen:

      “This myth, that these people are somehow super heroes that are out there ready to take a bullet for you, they’re just as likely to put a bullet in you,”

      This is what passes for information in the Bay Area? You know, there is a point in the mental process where if you actually start believing in the propaganda you spew, it is an indicator of major mental problems. Mind you that people go to Starbucks in other states every hour of every day legally carrying a weapon, may it be concealed or open and there have not been one single incident. Nobody has gone crazy and started a shoot out. Nobody has engaged in an argument that ended up in a shooting over latte and sconces. Nothing.

      The Brady Bunch is suffering from Acute Irrelevance Syndrome. They have become a joke even within the ultra liberal fringes of the Left.  Long ago they could get away with their falsehoods knowing that the public did not have the resources or access to the truth. They would fudge crime data or outright lie with the complicity of the Traditional Media and come out smelling like Saviors. But even that started to go sour. When Florida adopted Shall Issue Concealed Weapons Permits, the Brady Bunch warned of the impending doom of more crimes, more murders and the end of civilization as we knew it but something funny happened: Crime and Murders went down and more people started to carry guns in the State of Florida. Other states followed with their own versions and the Brady Bunch came out in each and every instance prophesying Rivers of Blood in the Streets and it didn’t happen again. They became a joke in the internet among the Gun Culture. Whenever we heard that a State was about to pass a Shall Issue CWP, we created our own Brady Bunch releases with the tired old topics we heard before and they almost matched word by word the real thing.

      Then the Brady Bunch got creative. Florida still the most hated State because we started the avalanche so they went for the shock value factor with stuff like this:

      This banner is supposed to be (or was) somewhere in North Florida on or around I-95. It was meant to scare tourists into turning around and heading for “safer pastures.” I mean, who in his/her right mind would like to be around a bunch of armed Crackers, Haitians and Spics? Right? Well, it didn’t work as well as planned. The pic got a lot of movement in the forums and we were rightly proud of the fact that the Brady Bunch spent that much money in warning criminals about what we can do to them down here if they decide to ply their violent trade.

      After the billboard backfired, the Brady Bunch tried to do something similar in airports by passing fliers like this at Miami International and Fort Lauderdale Airport.

      And boy they got lots of media coverage…for about two news’ cycles. One of the representives of the Brady Bunch (probably imported from D.C.) at Miami International Airport was allowed to go on camera saying that tourists should not use violent movements of the hands because they might be interpreted as a violent act and get them shot. Now saying this in a South Florida County with a 60% population of Latinos who use their hands while talking in such fashion that we make Italians look like paraplegics, did not sit well with the local populace and the Brady Bunch were shut down faster than a New Marine Recruiting Station in Berkeley. We got the chance to laugh, point them out and say “See? they are the racists, not us.”

      Of course it did not help that just recently the Violence Policy Center published the unfortunate Black Homicide Victimization in the United States document where basically conludes that black people shouldn’t have guns which is pretty much the same claim that the Ku Klux Klan make. And just to add more crap to their already stinking mudbath, the Brady Bunch are celebrating Mark Morford’s “opinion” piece, so full of profiling, prejudice and hate, Klukers are offering him a free membership and a free White Sheet Suit included. Moderate Klukers are protesting saying he might be a tad too prejudiced and it might stain the good name of the Klan.

      Thank you Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. You are now providing us with a good laugh.

      PS: Can we get one of them billboards down here in Miami. Superbowl is here and we need to remind the carpetbagging criminals that things may not be as easy as they think. Thanks!

      UPDATE: Via Snowflakes In Hell (H/T) I find out that Starbucks told the Brady Bunch to go drink a crappola frapuccino somewhere else. “Starbucks does not have a corporate policy regarding customers and weapons; we defer to federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding this issue,” Starbucks’ customer relations department said in response to the Brady Campaign’s request.”
      Irrelevancy rears its ugly face to the Brady Bunch once again. One more event like this and they can apply for federal funds as a disaster zone.

      Dump the Ego.

      A trial ended yesterday. The case involved a shooting on a female by a male resulting in the grievous injury of the female. She sustained damage to her arm both muscular and neural. Her arm will never again be 100% functional and she has, no joke, developed a mongo aversion to guns. The male was a childhood friend of hers and one silly night and because one silly stupid argument, two lives have been changed forever.

      The fight was about a truly irrelevant object but it escalated to the point where the male produced his firearm and a shot rang out. Was there intention to kill? I don’t think so and he was not charged with that  but a much lesser count. Still the jury found him guilty and he will probably be sentenced to 8 years in prison. The male had a Concealed Weapons permit and there is no other way to put it: he fucked up. According to what I was told, during trial he initially tried to say that it was an accidental shooting, that the gun went off, but with modern firearms (read: basically anything built in the last 50 years) that is near impossible and he got shredded by the expert witness. His lawyer tried to pull a mid trial switch for Self Defense but a male facing a 5’4″ female armed with a car key and a cellphone does not rise to the necessary standard for self defense. Basically BOTH sides suffered from runaway mouths with almost deadly consequences. The cause of the incident was plain old ego on both sides. She caught the bullet, he caught the prison time.

      I tell my students and anybody considering having a gun for self protection that they are about to embark in a life-changing trip. This trip will have “casualties” and the first one must be ego. No longer will you feel the need to right perceived wrongs by verbally or physically counter an insult, wave off or even a direct taunt. You have with you the power of creating immense harm and that is something that you cannot take lightly. I don’t care if they call your Mom names, accuse your wife of being a $10 whore or dirty comments about naked pictures of your favorite aunt in the Internet, your first duty is to disengage and step away from the person trying to incite you. Allow your manhood or womanhood to be dragged in the mud, let them call you coward, faggot, chickeshit, whatever: Words don’t hurt, prison time does.

      So remember the this phrase:

      Your number one option for personal security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and deescalation.

      A bit of disclosure is in order. The female is a dear friend of mine, almost like an adopted crazy niece. We worked together and I still remember the night I was told she was shot and the Gordian knot that my stomach became. She was out for six months recovering from her wound and with a new dose of maturity. It was radical but instructive for the both of us. Although she is still the same vibrant spirit, the innocence is gone and there will be a dark cloud following her for a long time. I don’t know the guy and I really don’t hold any particular personal grudge against him (I know, I should but I think I matured after all) but as a Gun Owner and CWP holder I will cut him no mercy: He misused a gun, hurt an innocent person and rightly he should serve his punishment. Most Gun Owners agree with me on this. We don’t give freebies to our fellow members that break the faith and eschew responsibility. We are not forgiving just because you  are a fdellow gun owner, say you are sorry sorry and fly to the nearest detox clinic. We come down on you hard and you better get used to it. We hold ourselves to a higher standard.

      I will try to get a transcript of the trial and I plan to use it in future classes and in this blog. I think there is much to be learned by everybody.

      Again people: Words don’t hurt, prison time does. Dump the Ego.

      Enviromentalism stretched just a bit wee much.

      I read the following, got up, made myself some coffee, ingested it and sat down again to re-read because I thought it was a trick played by my just awoken mind.

      Why are The Miami Herald and other news outlets so quick to label common-sense survival activities in Haiti as “looting”? According to news reports, there are few if any grocery stores open for business in Port-au-Prince, and vast quantities of donated food have yet to be distributed. Meanwhile, there are tens of thousands of people without food, water and shelter.

      There also are tons of debris to be removed from the streets. In these circumstances, removal of any useful items before arrival of the bulldozers seems like the sensible, humanitarian, environmentally friendly and cost-effective thing to do.

      The missive to the “editors’ was written by Helene B. Dudley of Miami. After a quick Google search, I found out that Ms. Dudley belongs to the group Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of South Florida.God Bless them for the service they performed, but bundling looting to environmental clean-up is akin to associate a stabbing during a mugging to a life-saving open heart surgery.

      I won’t comment on the legality of having to steal food and water from a store to survive a catastrophe like that, but I don’t care how flexible is anybody’s imagination, to think that looters are doing so for environmental causes is just idiocy. If anything, looting might be bad for Gaia since people do not know what kind of chemicals and poisons, crushed but contained by the debris will now be released and spread to the four winds in the legs of looters. Contaminated items will pass hand to hand making people sick and overburdening even more the tight situation in Haiti.

      Oh and by the way. The traditional looting custom of burning up the ransacked stores after they are pillaged seems to be running against sound environmental principals and are serious increase in the carbon footprint that will kill our planet.

      I need another coffee.