
Why belong to the NRA?

For a while now, the cool-hipster-“occupy” trend in the interweb is to bash the NRA for every Second Amendment thing that does not go according to the timetable and desires of some. Funny thing happened while they were bashing the NRA and doing nothing else: The NRA got shit done.

We are suffering from the malady of Instant Gratification. The “I want my stuff/results/conveniences right this second or I’ll cry till I turn blue” permeates pretty much every level of our country and when mixed with an “all or nothing” attitude, it makes for poor decision making. Wars against a powerful enemy are not won by grandstanding but by attrition properly fueled with patience but patience seems to be lacking in this day and age.

Thirty years ago many were betting that a complete ban on firearms possession by civilians was just around the corner and the thought of Shall Issue carry was a laughable dream. Today it is not only a reality, but yesterday we actually had Congress approve National Reciprocity without any choking amendments or provisions and UN Anti Gunners bemoan the fact that three hundred million firearms are in the hands of U.S. citizens and that is almost half the small arms in the World.

And while the Usual Suspects were carting people from all over to use as heart wrenching backdrop to their latest Anti Second Amendment effort (Fix Gun Checks Bill) while the solitary Dave Kopel stood alone and firm and taking it directly to Senator Schummer, provisions were added to the minibus bill to counter & stop sneaky ATF regulations and other efforts by the government.

I am not going to continue with recitations, but it is clear that for many people the NRA does not move fast enough or loud enough, it surely moves quietly where others have to shout way back there in the starting line, their wheels spinning while getting nothing done.

CSGV & Brady say Guns in Bars are a bad idea and they were right!

One armed robber found out the hard way that Civilians having Guns in Bars is something very dangerous.

A pub employee in Southeast Portland told police he shot an armed robber early Wednesday morning after he stole from the till and threatened patrons with his sawed-off rifle.

You can hear the sucking sound of irrelevancy just tearing away at Brady and Ladd.

A case of Mexican Carry?

Man accidentally kills himself at Va. grocery store.

While the man was waiting in the driver’s seat of the vehicle, it appears he tried to unbuckle his seat belt and mistakenly hit the trigger of his handgun, shooting himself in the hip area.

I’ve been racking my brain on this one. If he was on the driver’s seat and got hit by his own ND, he was not carrying on a holster or crossdraw. Plus he got hit in the pelvis area and that makes me think he was  Mexican Carry.

I cannot stress enough the need to carry a gun in a way that the trigger is completely covered. Booger Hook found Boom Stick with deadly results.

UPDATE: It was indeed Mexican carry and a Glock to boot.

(Hat Tip to Bob Owens)

Coming Soon: IDPA TV

Mother of God… Like we don’t get enough new shooters already 🙂

I am gonna have to ask for a raise next year. LOL

IDPA is close to hit 50 thousand members. Last Member number I saw was in the 47K area. When I started a decade ago I drew a 11K number and it was akin to be a carpetbagger wet behind the ears shooter… which I was if you realize we have club shooters with memberships the very low 3 digits (100’s).

We have come a long way baby!