
When the Bradys cry….

….. an angel cries and the tear becomes a round of ammunition.

Paul Helmke is not happy.:

“This bill exempting the NRA, and only a handful of other wealthy groups, from having to follow the same rules as other advocacy groups involved in political campaigns is fundamentally flawed, likely can’t survive judicial scrutiny, and should be rejected by the United States Senate as currently written.

I guess, for a change is not only Gun Owners of America the ones bitching about DISCLOSE. Paul, do you also feel the NRA threw you under the bus?

Hat tip to Say Uncle.

“But..but.. but what if…..”

It’s been 20 plus years since Florida broke the chains and issued Concealed Weapons Permits to the citizens and the avalanche of Gun Laws going the way of Law Abiding Citizens began. It is 20 years worth of data, research, statistics kept and lives saved. Not one single solitary study is able to prove that guns in the hands of citizens have created chaos and crime, just the opposite. The experiment is over, finito, done and completed: Armed Citizes are good for society.

Except that certain “enlightened” minorities in the Traditional Media and its followers did not get the memo. If by perchance somebody manages to sneak a report attesting the benefits of gun ownership in a Media Website, rest assured that a battalion of Chicken Littles will be there to contest the obvious. My favorite comments are those that try to base their rationale against guns on absolutely twisted scenarios mixed with a good dose of misinformation….OK, lies. I am sure you have seen their convoluted works before:

“But..but.. but what if the guy is a Bermuda shorts fanatic and … and convicted child rapist that cooks and consumes meth and..and  has problems with his wife every full moon because he thinks he is a werewolf? You want him for the State to issue him a concealed weapons permit so they can go to the corner 7-11 and buy a gun? Huh? HUH? That is why nobody should have gun! There!”

And these are the moments you thank there is an Internet because if you were present, you’d be forced to call 911 and report a deranged individual while looking for a location with cover and concealment.  I might be wrong, but I fear that the Chicken Littles are so obsessed that they would be willing to become that pederast Meth-Head just to prove you wrong. The Chicken Littles say they fear Armed Law Abiding citizens, but I am more afraid of them because a mind that can come up with such devious & serpentine scenarios is scary as hell.

It seems that Americans are pissed at the Dot Gov.

Washington Post seems amazed about Incidents of hostility, violence against census workers.

“There’s so much anger and bitterness, with people losing their homes and their jobs,” said McDonald, who eventually quit. “They’re not too fond of the government. They don’t want to talk to you.”

No! Really? I wonder why people are mad at the Hope and Change. I mean, they shove Health Care Deform down our throats, unemployment is up, their buddy companies get bailed out at our expense and they cannot even lie hard or well enough to cover their asses.

Le Dunce se Moi.

I check my fellow Floridian A Dixie Carpetbagger everyday and just now I realized that I did not have him in my blogroll.  My apologies extended and I shall serve penance for my unthinkable transgression. We don’t seem to have many Floridians blogging so we must make do. Then again there is a kick ass blogger in north Fla. and you ain’t got him: Massad Ayoob On Guns.

I wonder where can I find a Bonnie Blue flag in Miami.

NRA Moochers Demand Action Against The NRA.

And the whining continues. Now the Moochers are demanding that people should contact the NRA and let them know the “deal” of the DISCLOSE bill stinks. Of course it stinks for them because they are not covered. It is that simple. Forget about the mouthfuls of calls about the First Amendment or anything else. That they couldn’t do a damn thing on their own or their “No Compromise” organizations against DISCLOSE seems to be escaping their slight mental grasp.

The funny thing is that these pathetic patriotic partisans for the First and All the Amendments are wasting their time calling for action against the NRA rather than calling for action against the congress-critters that came up with the bill.

In gun-speak we call that missing the target.

In the meantime do send some money to the NRA-ILA now that you know your contributions are spent on NRA business and taking care of NRA members instead of trying to pacify crying useless babies demanding Gun Owner’s Welfare out of your membership and donations.

PS: It seems the NRA deal might kill the bill altogether. According to Countertop Chronicles this deal can become the poison pill that buries DISCLOSE before it comes out of the congressional womb. This would be a great nut crunching kick to the Obama Administration, Congress and the NRA Moochers…ouchie.