Seriously, these people are beyond stupid sometimes:

CSGV Karl FrederickKarl Telford Frederick died on February 11, 1963. So unless they resort to Black Magic, he ain’t coming back. And if he is zombified and brought back, PUFF rewards apply to him, the necromancer and the people that ordered it.

CSGV versus Agent Franks? Now that is a Pay per View event that I would not miss.

(If you are trying to figure out the last part, you need to buy the book Monster Hunter International ASAP. Go ahead and thank me later 🙂 )


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “CGGV looking for a Necromancer to make Zombies”
  1. I like the Monster Hunter reference. I started the series a few weeks ago (accidentally started with the newest one instead of the first one). Started the first one last night.

  2. The reason I got Monster Hunter series is because of a mix of about all the gun bloggers I read talking about the series back in September when Legion came out.

    There are few other books that have a dragon vs helicopter aerial battles that also somehow involve orc-sacrificing chickens in the same aerial battle.

  3. “He actually sounds like mainstream America.”

    Are they talking about the mainstream America who give the NRA a higher approval rating than the POTUS, or the mainstream America who mass-mailed everyone in Congress saying “Don’t you dare mess with my 2nd amendment rights?”

    Pretty sure whatever the CSGV is smoking is illegal.

  4. You know, there was another NRA around that time, one that was determined to be patently unconstitutional by SCOTUS. I wonder if he was head of that one…

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