The citizens of the CHAZ are begging for donations.

These people are totally useless.

They want to create a Leftist, communist utopia but they have to beg for resources from the outside world.

The whole area should be fenced off and embargoed.

If the want to be autonomous, let them be autonomous.

In 30 days we can go back in an haul out the emaciated bodies for disposal.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Chazians are freeloaders who should be starved out”
  1. My thought was we treat it like a medieval siege. Surround them, cut off access to food and water (and electricity in this modern equivalent), and then use a trebuchet to hurl in a few rotting animal carcasses. Then we just wait for disease to do the dirty work. Shouldn’t take long.

  2. Also note that everything they want is luxury items.
    “ready to eat meals” are a fucking luxury. Thjey don’t want anything that requires cooking but they also dont want cooking utensils.

    Why do they need clothing? Did they wander nacked into the “zone”? No? then how about you care about your clothing like people did for millenia.

    “Energy drinks and electrolytes”? Isn’t this more or less a major plot point in “Idiocracy”?

    You want to be “autonomous”? Than fucking act like it you overgrown sniveling brats.

    1. Trebuchet some BRAWNDO to these idjits, stat!
      Their community garden needs electrolytes…


  3. Apparently they only want their men clothed, naked women they’re OK with. That part of their policy I’m fine with.?

  4. Holy F-ing Moly! The more I read about this, the more convinced these leftists really are toddlers. They need hot coffee. Wait, what… these idiots actually do not know how to boil water!

    It literally reminds me of the five year old that decides to run away from home, but asks their Mom for sandwiches before they leave.

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