A little bit ago I wrote a post, Brown Shirts of the CHAZ.

It was about armed CHAZ guards harassing, threatening, and eventually expelling some American Citizens who went to the CHAZ with American flags.

The armed thug who was apparently coordinating this was a white kid in a green mask driving a Jeep with no license plate.


A little bit later, Miguel sent me an article, Dispatches from CHAZ, Seattle’s new autonomous zone.  It contained this excerpt:

Armed guards stand in front of barriers into the CHAZ at 12th and Pike Street.

“We try to vet each other based on the knowledge we have,” says one, holding an AR-15 rifle, talking about others in the area who also carry firearms.

“It’s pretty easy to spot somebody who thinks they know what they’re talking about, but they really don’t,” he says. “We call them out and we don’t let them get up here. They’re free to practice their Second Amendment right, but, not gonna lie, we keep an eye on them just to make sure…”

Another guard, carrying an AR-15 along with a pistol, notes recent right-wing protests in Olympia.

“You notice that all the white protesters that showed up to capitol buildings armed, police didn’t fuck with them because they showed up and they show that they weren’t fucking around,” he says. “So we show up the same. We show we’re not fucking around anymore — then look, they leave.”

This is the accompanying image:

Over the weekend, a 17-year-old was shot in the arm in the CHOP.

Some person doing a live stream from inside CHOP captured the sound of it on video.  CHOP “security” showed up and immediately demanded that he hand over his phone and delete the video, not realizing it was a live stream.

That in and of itself is a problem.

But the CHOP “security” managed to capture videos of themselves and guess who showed up at 1:05.

Green mask again.

Mr. Green Mask seems to be the head enforcer thug of the CHOP.

Whenever shit goes south, he seems to be there intimidating people into compliance.

I have no idea who he is, but he always has his identity obscured.

This is a dangerous individual.

I know that there are a few people out there who will make fun of him but remember that both Heinrich Himmler and Lavrentiy Beria were only 5’8″ and looked like skinny, balding nerds, in glasses.

I know there has been a lot of focus on the CHOP warlord Raz Simone, but Green Mask is the defacto head of the CHOP secret police.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Chief Thug of CHOP”
  1. Now that the idiotic city mayor, Jenny Durkan, has finally decided to get off the dime and – eventually – reclaim power over CHAZ/CHOP whatever the hell the name is this week, we’ll see these thugs try to melt back into the woodwork, thinking themselves ‘anonymous’.
    Well, like all corrupt organizations, they aren’t really anonymous. The insiders know who each other is, and where they hang out, and so do a lot of the people who purport to follow them.
    Offer enough reward, as in cold hard cash, and the names and whereabouts of every leader will be up for sale to the highest bidder.

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