This story made me angry.

Horrific video shows toddlers watch as daycare worker attacks boy, 2, and breaks his leg as parents blast soft sentence which saw abuser handed PROBATION

Disturbing security footage shows the moment a Las Vegas daycare worker breaks the leg of a two-year-old boy, manhandling the child as other horrified toddlers watch.

Elicia Miller, 32, was charged with child abuse for the May 2021 altercation at Creme de la Creme daycare, which saw her pick up the unidentified child and slam him to the ground, grappling with him until his leg snaps. The video was first obtained by the 8 News I-Team.

Miller, however, will not serve jail time for the incident, after confessing and pleading guilty to attempted child abuse in June, receiving only probation, 50 hours of community service and an anger management class as a result.

The footage shows a seemingly distressed Miller violently scooping the child off the floor of the daycare and carrying him across the room, his limp body dangling side to side as she holds him by his armpits.

The staffer then slams the child to the floor behind a piece of furniture, obscuring the camera’s view of the altercation, where she appears to grapple with the struggling child.

Hours later, the boy’s father arrived at the establishment to pick up the child, finding him distraught and shrieking in pain. He told KLAS that Miller told her of a physical encounter between her and his son, and apologized as he put his son into his car.

This was the condition of the boy’s leg.


That is a completely displaced femoral fracture.

Not just does that hurt in a way that words do not describe, it is potentially lethal as the bone can sever the femoral artery.

Also, the leg is significantly shorter than usual.

Believe me, I understand fully displaced fractures.

I’m going to be entirely honest.

If I went to pick one of my kids up from daycare and saw that 9-1-1 would be dispatching an ambulance for my son and a coroner for the daycare staffer.

I am a man of principles. One of my principles is that if you hurt children you die.

This woman deserves a slow chippering.

Whatever judge decided that she doesn’t deserve jail time can follow along right behind her, because there is no excuse for letting a monster like that free.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Chipper slowly”
  1. Ok, I’m signing off for the day. Nothing personal you or the blog, I just can’t take news like this anymore today. I feel ill reading this.

  2. Society has decided it is OK to subcontract motherhood. Even the pResident said as much in his SOTU. Daycare/childcare is a priority in order for the US to move forward.
    And, when you get mothers (or fathers) choosing to work, instead of actively parenting, a few things happen:
    1. The parents have obviously said that making $$$ is more important than raising their kids
    2. Which means they are looking to get the cheap day care. Oh, sure… they pretend to only want the best, but you damn well know they are going to pick the place that comes in $100 a week less.
    3. Which means the day care center, which is looking to maximize profits, is going to hire the cheapest personnel they can find.
    Net result, a bunch of “day care” workers who see your child as an inconvenience.
    But, hey! It is Woman’s history month. Let’s celebrate those strong independent women who would rather move papers around in an office than raise their children.

    And… not being a dick here, but this “I am a man of principles. One of my principles is that if you hurt children you die.” will only work against you end up in a self defense trial situation. A DA will scrub your internet background and use everything you may have said against you. Might want to avoid memorializing that specific of a statement on the ‘net.

  3. Remember kids! It was the democrat feminists who maneuvered woman into the workforce to collect more taxes and force families to stick children in these sort of places. Sad. We are gonna have to build YUGE chippers powered by locomotive diesels.

  4. I don’t blame the jdge. I blame the DA that did not give a flying f##k about the child. The poor kid lay in pain for how many hours until their parent came? “Miller, however, will not serve jail time for the incident, after confessing and pleading guilty to attempted child abuse in June, receiving only probation, 50 hours of community service and an anger management class as a result.”
    Who made that deal? I can almost hear the ADA say, “the kid cannot testify. This is the best I could do.” The judge only approves those deals. Too bad he did not deny this one.

  5. I disagree w/ rd. I blame the worker, the prosecutor, and the judge. Solution?

    Judge head on pike outside of the courthouse. Prosecutor head on pike outside of the courthouse. Daycare worker head on pike outside of the daycare.

    Pour encourager les autres.

    1. i could live with that, except put the day care worker’s head downtown too. No need to further traumatize the children.
      I doubt it was one ADA either.

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