Last night there was a shooting at the #CHAZ/#CHOP “fairgrounds” with one dead and one wounded. Police responded, but the inhabitants made it clear they did not want them in the area.

Now, Rescue does not attend a shooting location until given the all clear by the police and can assist without risking their lives. But it seems the young outraged #CHOPista was unaware of this fact and goes on a verbal discharge against the paramedics/EMTs


“We will make sure you are clear!”

Sorry Junior, they do not trust your word.

For an autonomous entity, they sure depend on everybody else to survive.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “#CHOP / #Chaz: When reality hits.”
  1. Any bets the firearm used was one of those that Raz dbag was handing out willy nilly?

    CHAZ’s “Fast and Furious” snafu. But of course they will be shreaking “This is Bad Orange Man’s fault!” in 5…4…3…2…

  2. It’s an expected outgrowth of the “down with the oppressive capitalist patriarchy where’s my trust fund, daddy?” thing that drives the Left these days. They want to live in an Anarco-Scocialist radical paradise, and they want to get lots of money and live the upper class lifestyle as well.

  3. This is me not being in the least surprised.

    I wonder if the parents of the deceased will sue the city, police, and / or mayor.

  4. And, should the medics arrive on scene, and some d-bag fronts them off/assaults them, how many of these self righteous jerks will step in to protect the medics?

    Yeah, that’s my answer, as well.

    Reason number 7645 why I wore a kevlar vest and carried several knives as well as a large, heavy, flashlight when I worked on the road.

    Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.

  5. If they hadn’t used up all their tourniquets on inconsequential booboos, maybe they could have saved the guy themselves.

  6. 22 years as a fire department street medic. 6 years working as a paramedic instructor. Every single EMT is taught this in school as if it was a mantra:

    Scene Safety
    Consider mechanism of injury/ nature of illness

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