From Newsweek:

Seattle Protesters Set up Barricades, Prepare to Defend CHOP From Police

Protesters in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) zone are  preparing to defend the area from police after the city’s mayor announced plans to dismantle it in the wake of back-to-back shootings.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan said police would soon move back into a precinct building that had been abandoned and taken over by protesters who formed the police-free zone, originally dubbed the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), earlier this month.

Durkan didn’t provide a timeline for clearing out the area, but said “additional steps” would be looked at if protesters do not leave voluntarily.

Pictures posted by one Twitter user showed barricades that have been put up around the East Precinct building. “People are waiting for cops to show up,” the user noted.

“We’re not leaving until our demands are met,” a sign posted outside the precinct building says.

We’ve seen that the protesters have guns.  Apparently lots of them.

The question is: how willing are they to use them and how willing are the police to resist.

Will Seattle send in SWAT if officers come under fire from Antifa with AR-15s?

Will Seattle be willing to stack up bodies of plate carrier wearing Marxists?

Whose will will be broken first?

I’m curious to see it.  Either way, I expect this to end poorly.

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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “CHOP to the barricades”
  1. No Seattle police officer will pull a trigger. Not a single one. There is zero possibility of this ending well. Zero. Any cop that fires a weapon, even a taser, might as well just quit, and march to the nearest jail cell. Even if that cop was under full blown attack by rabid, foaming at the mouth leftists wielding nuclear bombs laced with ricin, the cop will still get criminal charges filed against them for defending their own life.

    No cop with half a brain would be stupid enough to participate if there is any resistance whatsoever.

    In fact, if there is not a full blown blue flu when the time comes, I will be surprised.

  2. Suggestions from when this first started, cut the power, cut the water, seal off the area, no food, nothing allowed in. Individuals will be allowed to surrender and exit the area. A week at best and only the hard core bolsheviks will remain. Force them to shoot first, and sweep up the trash.

    1. ^^^ This ^^^ No power, no water, no trash pickup, and no supplies of any kind. No one allowed in, and anyone who comes out, stays out.

      The only thing I would add: Set up large speakers in the area and play Slayer at maximum volume. As Cartman from “South Park” says, hippies hate death metal.

      Here is a simulation of what would happen:

    2. The only problem is there are people who live there who have no connection to the mess.

      I still think leaflets saying “all noncombatants should leave”, dropped on them for a few days would break them up real quick.

  3. Take their time.

    Let the protesters get upset, jazzed up, and then tired out.
    Maybe they wander away?
    Maybe they do something stupid like attack?

    Personally I think they should bring in the Guard and State Police.
    Use the Guard in Company strength to patrol fix posts at City Hall and the Police Precinct Houses. Have two companies ready to reinforce any hot spots.
    Because the protesters will try to cause trouble elsewhere as a distraction.
    Use the Guard to provide visible reinforcements backing the police around the CHOP.

    Make it a huge show of force. The sane protesters will fade away.
    Arrest anyone that resists.

    The goal is to remove the scum peacefully.

  4. I have zero ***** to give about those stupid Che Guevara wanna-be’s.

    I’m ready with beer and popcorn to watch the festivities. 🙂

  5. Maybe I’m a little different in my thinking, but here goes.

    They declared themselves an “autonomous zone”, as has been pointed out. Essentially, in my mind, seceding from the union. Therefore, they effectively renounced their citizenship.

    Send in the military and border patrol. Set up barriers, and handle it as a humanitarian mission to a foreign country. They need a legally issued passport and visa to come into the US.

    Also, make sure to document who is there, so they can have any and all citizenship benefits removed. No more voting, having to register to work as as a legal immigrant, etc

    1. Just to be absolutely clear, send in the military and border patrol, not to clear them out, but to set up the borders of the new nation with ours.

    2. Let’s not forget for any trade, we need to establish treaties, trade agreements, and all that other stuff. Oh, and don ‘t they have to be recognized by the State Department before any of that can happen?

      Until then, I think it would/should be considered a violation of US Federal Trade Law to so much as deliver UberEats to the border.

    3. No — we have an established policy for break-away territory.

      Time to do a Sherman’s March.

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