Yet another Walgreens will shut its doors permanently this month.

The store at the corner of Bush and Larkin streets posted signs in its windows last week announcing the closure, which will happen March 17.

But community members are so concerned about the closure, they’ve started an online petition hoping to stop it. The petition had 179 signatures as of publication and emphasizes the importance of the location to senior residents. The location where prescription records will be transferred, 1524 Polk St., is not accessible to people with disabilities, the petition says, and is up a hill.

10th Walgreens to close since 2019 in San Francisco

In case you may have forgotten, in the “progressive” state of California, theft under $950 is a non-violent misdemeanor and the DA’s will not even bother to prosecute and the cop therefore won’t even bother to arrest. It is the perfect crime sanctioned by the State. And according to the article, with at least one store losing $1,000 a day to theft before shutting down, you are talking about loses that cannot be and will not be covered by insurance.

And this is a Big Pharma corporation. Imagine what has happened to the Mom and Pop stores. If not raped by the Governor Newsome’s pandemic shutdown, they are being demolished by the “good intentions” of legislative morons intent on use the community and their personal lab for social experimentation.

And the sad part is I can’t feel empathy for those suffering the consequences. They kept voting for the same morons and now they are so entrenched in their positions of power, they cannot be removed and rig the game to remain in power.

Hat Tip Robr

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Chronicle of a Death Foretold: Punishment-Free Shoplifting in SF Closes Walgreens’ Stores.”
  1. Basically, they have made the conditions ripe for some businesses to pay protection money to local gangs & thugs. Can’t shoot them, can’t call the cops on them, might as well pay some goon to beat, maim, & possibly rape them. If the government won’t hold up their part of the social bargain, what use is there to be a nice citizen anymore? Naturally, most of them will just leave. Their tax money going with them. But some people will be pushed too far & may consider this action.

  2. Shocking. Who could have predicted this?

    Obviously the fault of capitalism and the billionaires wanting to screw over the little guy. We must raise taxes on them immediately.

  3. Echoes of Minneapolis last spring.

    “We’re in a food and pharmacy desert! What are our seniors to do?! How dare they??!!!”

    My tank of Fs to give is now pulling a hard vacuum. At this rate space will go negative and I’ll be able to use it as a zero-point-energy source.

  4. Before the entire population of California moves to Texas, Texas needs to pass a law allowing shoplifters to be shot on sight.

  5. Yeah, and it’s not $950 a day, it’s $950 PER PERSON! And they can come back multiple times per day!
    Who had this bright idea?
    Wait, wait, don’t tell me..
    Could it be…
    Could it be…

  6. “My tank of Fs to give is now pulling a hard vacuum. At this rate space will go negative and I’ll be able to use it as a zero-point-energy source.”

    Boris: outstanding image!

  7. My wife and I were talking about this the other day. It seems the only stores that can remain in the long term are stores that don’t sell anything less than $950 per item. New and used cars; high end jewelry, extreme luxury goods like fur coats. Certainly no grocery stores with low price products and small profit margins.

    Walgreens is the start. With stores closing, the pressure on other stores will go up because there’s the same number (or more) of felons, but smaller number of stores. That will accelerate and everything will close, except for those high price stores.

    A recipe for economic collapse. Entirely different than the one being directed at our entire country.

  8. I’m at a loss for words about the use of the term “customer” for the criminal shown in that video.

  9. “. They kept voting for the same morons”

    –um, what if they didn’t? Given the egregious fraud during the national election, you have to ask, how long has it been going on?

    Seriously, who the F would vote for someone like Houston’s Sheila Jackson Lee, let alone a majority of the people. You couldn’t be that dumb and still get to the polling place… Few question the voting in those districts that they hold, and have always held, because we assume the elections were fair, and that the people in the districts are allowed to make a choice.

    Granted that the people actually running things don’t exactly want geniuses or people with high principles in those positions, so they select for the people they want, but a whole lot of inexplicable stuff makes a lot more sense when you look at it thru the lens of vote fraud and insider manipulation.


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