Reader Paul K. sent us this:

CINCINNATI — Starting March 24 at 8 a.m., Cincinnati Police will not respond in-person to calls for assaults without injuries, break-ins, criminal damaging and more.

Cincinnati police announced Monday that these calls will be referred for online or phone reporting:

  • Assault reports where there is no medical attention necessary and suspect is no longer present
  • Breaking and entering reports where there are no suspect(s) or possibility of property recovery
  • Criminal damaging reports
  • Dog bites
  • Lost property
  • Lost or stolen license plates
  • Menacing reports, unless a suspect is expected, threatens to return or is part of the elements of domestic violence
  • Phone harassment
  • Property damage

Starting Tuesday, Cincinnati PD won’t respond in-person for these calls

This is a dangerous. Either people are not going to bother to call and a bad player is going to be roaming around free, or people will demand medical attention even when they don’t need it just to force the cops to show up.

Oh well… At least the river is not on fire.

Hat Tip Paul K.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Cincinnati PD will not respond to Assault calls unless blood has been spilled.”
  1. So… Publishing a list of criminal activities the police will not be responding to. There’s no downside at all, I’m sure. /sarc

    And they wonder why more people want guns.

  2. 911: “I’m sorry sir/mam, we can’t send an officer to your assault unless blood has been spilled”
    Me: “Ok, he’s bleeding. NOW can you send someone?”

    1. BANG, BANG, BANG…BANG, BANG. Me: Ok he’s bleeding, but you don’t need to rush, just send the coroner when you get a chance./sarc

      1. NRW: Police and SWAT roll in, arriving 3 minutes later, only to find an unharmed criminal held at gunpoint by the homeowner.

        Police Lt.: You said he’d been shot!
        Homeowner: You said you weren’t coming out!

  3. Well, the way I look at it- if you have a break in, shoot the bastard and don’t disturb the cops, just handle it. Stack him in the back with some lime and a tarp and nature will take care of it in time. And nobody is gonna report the guy missing.

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