So they are taking “action.”

 Parkland’s city manager is asking the Broward Sheriff’s Office to replace the commander who led the agency’s response to a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
In a statement, Bob Payton said he asked Sheriff Scott Israel to provide three recommendations to fill the position of Capt. Jan Jordan. The city would like for the replacement to hold the rank of major.

In case you have forgotten, Capitan Jan Jordan was the officer in charge during the shooting and the one that ordered the 4 BSO Deputies and paramedics not to enter the school. She was only removed yesterday from her position and only because the city of Parkland asked for it. Great, ain’t it?


A news release says Parkland has hired a private firm to evaluate its contract with the sheriff’s office for law enforcement services, as well as issues that include how 911 calls are handled.
The 911 system complicated the response to the shooting because calls from inside the school were routed to nearby Coral Springs, instead of the sheriff’s office.

And it makes you wonder why 911 calls in Parkland were routed to Coral Springs PD rather than BSO,? The standard is that 911 gets routed to the closest responding department, right?

OK, that clears stuff up.

Some years back, BSO marketed itself (and still does) as the premier Law Enforcement and Rescue agency for Broward County. For many small towns, it was cheaper to hire BSO rather than have the expense to create and maintain their own PD and Fire departments. But BSO marketing apparently included some stats on crime reduction that were not quite “adjusted to reality” and it has led to issues when reality strikes, but none as brutal as the school shooting.

There is a cesspool under Broward County services that is bubbling. There are also a lot of people sitting on the lid trying to keep it from blowing up.  I know that eventually enough pressure will build up and crap is gonna be spread all over, but I wonder how many more lives will it take to reach that point.




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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “City of Parkland suspects there is something amiss with Broward Sheriff’s Office.”
  1. Yeah and the Coral Gables police showed up and wanted to enter the school immediately. To paraphrase “My Cousin Vinny”: I want those guys!

    1. Just reread my comment “Coral Gables” = “Coral Springs”. My only excuse is that I don’t live in Florida, my apologies to all Floridians.

  2. In a statement, Bob Payton said he asked Sheriff Scott Israel to provide three recommendations to fill the position of Capt. Jan Jordan. The city would like for the replacement to hold the rank of major.

    Why do I get the feeling Sheriff Israel’s response will be:

    1. Major Jan Jordan*
    2. Major Jan Jordan*
    3. Major Jan Jordan*

    * – TOTALLY not the same Jan Jordan. 😉


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