Via Legal Insurrection.

That is bad. CNN is indeed bleeding badly and it is a mixture of both politics and not being able to compete with delivery systems and they admit it so after they just recently announced the shutdown of  CNN Airport News.

He (Jeff Zucker) said the decline in airline passenger traffic due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of available streaming news video on mobile phones and other internet-connected devices led to the decision.

They have been shooting themselves in the lower extremities for far too long and it was bound to affect them. Truthfully, I only tune to CNN if there is some sort of breaking news which they may have coverage, but I find myself doing it less and less since I can directly tap a local (or several) TV stations and even check live streaming from people in the location.

As a result, CNN’s role has become just a propaganda tool for a political side which was bound to cause migration to other providers when a big chunk of the audience felt they were not only not respected, but used as target and fodder for CNN’s political support strategy.

And asking to shut down or restrict other media that cares for the desires of people they do not care about is suspicious. It is not like those who no longer watch CNN will suddenly come back and accept their shows, they simply will not provide the revenue they think they seek. And if it is just because they want them out for political purposes, then it is idiotic because the same principle can and probably will be used against them in the future.

FoxNews came out because CNN stopped being a news delivery organization and became a propaganda arm of the Democrats. OAN & NewsMax exploded and are advancing because FoxNews decided to become part of the Cool Kids Club and may become as weak-assed as CNN which for some reason still cannot process the idea that insulting your viewers does not promote ratings, just the opposite.

“Daddy! The ugly kids hurt my feelings (and pocketbook) Please kill them!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “CNN can’t compete & needs enemies taken out”
  1. In other news, the NFL has reversed the divisional playoff results for the Cleveland Browns, naming the Browns as the winner of the playoff game. This reversal of the game came after Head Coach Kevin Stefanski said that KC Chiefs head coach, Andy Reid was a meanypoopoohead who hurt his feelings.

    Seriously though…

    When you are losing, do the adult thing. Examine what your competition is doing right, what you are doing wrong, and improve across the board. The way to success is not tearing down the winners, it is emulating them.

    Then again, accusing CNN of being adult is a bit of a stretch…

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