The Heroes of Socialism! The Left is always comparing the much better life of the Swedes against the Americas and the pandemic cannot be the exception, right?

(CNN) Much of Europe is still on coronavirus lockdown, with severe restrictions on movement and penalties for those who transgress.

But not Sweden. Restaurants and bars are open in the Nordic country, playgrounds and schools too, and the government is relying on voluntary action to stem the spread of Covid-19.
It’s a controversial approach, and one that’s drawn US President Donald Trump’s attention. “Sweden did that, the herd, they call it the herd. Sweden’s suffering very, very badly,” Trump said on Tuesday.

Sweden’s strategy, she said, was: “No lockdown and we rely very much on people taking responsibility themselves.”
The country’s state epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, also pushed back against Trump’s criticism that Sweden was doing badly. “I think Sweden is doing okay,” he told CNN affiliate Expressen. “It’s producing quality results the same way it’s always done. So far Swedish health care is handling this pandemic in a fantastic way.”

Sweden challenges Trump — and scientific mainstream — by refusing to lock down.

Except the numbers are giving a much different result. If you keep reading in the same article, buried down the halfway mark, you find this:

As for deaths, by April 8, coronavirus accounted for 67 fatalities per 1 million Swedish citizens, according to the Swedish Health Ministry. Norway had 19 deaths per million, Finland seven per million. The number of deaths rose 16% on Wednesday.

But by the time I am writing this (2 am Sunday) the number of death had gone up where now Sweden has a rate of 88 deaths per million people. (Pop. 10.2 million)


And the United States stands at 62 deaths per million. (Pop: 328 million)

Here is the clincher: Between yesterday and today was our peak day according to the models. As country in general, we are supposed to be in the beginning of  our descent in the number of deaths.  Sweden’s peak day is still 3 weeks away on May 4th.

I was taught in high school that when you do experiments, specially involving biologicals, you need to have a Control Group that gives you results of similar subjects or samples untouched by the parameters of the experiment. The you could compare one set of data with the other and figure out scientific stuff.

If the numbers hold and we consider all things equal, I would say (in my very non-scientific manner) the difference between mitigation and non-mitigation is about 30% more deaths.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “CNN extols Control Group Sweden for the way it deals with Wuhan Virus.”
  1. I guess that Sweden didn’t want to have a lockdown that might stop all those hand grenade attacks …

  2. My understanding is that Belarus also has refused to lock anything down, with the government there claiming “vodka and saunas” will ward off the virus. No idea how they are doing or if they changed course, I read that a week ago.

  3. I’m sure we’ll hear how this is how free people should deal with pandemics, and how our public health measures are unconstitutional. Not to mention road closures and driving restrictions during blizzards, hurricane and wild fire evacuations, and vaccinations.

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