Gaige Grosskreutz was interviewed by CNN on 9/11.  I missed it at the time because of everything else that was going on.

Of course, CNN would make Grosskreutz the sympathetic character.  They are a Leftist hack propagandist organization.

Video from that night showed how Grosskreutz approached Rittenhouse with his hands up then drew his weapon before getting his bicep blown away.

That wasn’t acting as a medic trying to help someone, that was an attempt at murder.

I also pointed out before that one of Grosskreutz’s friends posted on his behalf that Grosskreutz’s only regret was being too slow on the draw and not killing Rittenhouse first.


CNN never asked about any of this because it doesn’t fit the narrative that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist terrorist mass shooter that the Left has locked on to.

Grosskreutz was there to commit mayhem and paid the price for it.

After watching this intervew with CNN, I’m glad he’s in constant pain.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “CNN flacking for an attempted murderer”
  1. Seems about par for the course. I point you at the Dem candidates visiting an accused rapist and telling us he is the victim. Or the NFL players putting the same rapists name on their helmets…

  2. Other than his hat and him telling CNN he’s a paramedic, is there any objective evidence he really is a trained paramedic or is he one of those “band aid” medics BLM/Antifa uses to get close to the action?

    1. Both their “press” and “paramedic” badges are just cover for unlawful combatants. They draw their inspiration from the Palestinians, who use ambulances to move troops and conduct attacks.

      1. AYFKM? THREE freaking years, to earn EMT-Basic certification?:(and, as an aside, completing the class, and obtaining certification, are NOT synonymous!)

        Hell, I finished freaking PA school in less than 3 years, and worked besides!

        My vote is a (diluted) case of stolen valor.


        My own paramedic class took 8 months!

  3. “. . . Grosskreutz approached Rittenhouse with his hands up then drew his weapon . . . ” is incorrect. He had already drawn his weapon before approaching. The gun was in his right hand when he had his hands up.

  4. At this day & age, is it really a surprise that the Communist News Network would side with this dbag? It would have been more of a shock if they didn’t.

  5. Ive said it before and I’ll say it again. Kyle showed better restraint, threat evaluation, and target selection than many police. He really is the premier example of untrained people not being dangerous with firearms.

  6. As @Don says, his gun was already in his hand as he was running up. You can clearly see it in the pictures from the other angle (not included in your post), and if you look closely at the “1” image above you can see the butt of the pistol being held by his thumb.

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