CNN is hosting a town hall about Coronavirus and one of their experts is Greta Thunberg.

What she has to say about Coronavirus is beyond me, but clearly she wasn’t picked for her credentials.

It’s her ability to scowl and score points with the Left is all that matters.

So when CNN is trying to scare the shit out of you about COVID, remember who they got to try and do that.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “CNN is a totally serious news agency you guys”
  1. Holy Flying Firetruck…

    She is an expert on the virus because she will say it is due to climate change. I guarantee that will be her angle. People actually listen to this ignorant puppet.

  2. She may as well enjoy it- her star is going to fade fast from here on out.
    Until her inevitable “Mommy Dearest” book comes out.

  3. Actually, this entire panic may very well have been manufactured by the climate change alarmists. I think the mask might actually be falling off a bit.

    The Imperial College study that incited the intitial panic was funded by a climate group, the tactics are in line with their desires, and even Alexandria DonkeyChompers is on board calling this a good thing as it would shepherd in her Green New Deal.

    Having Greta Frownie Face on this panel is just proof of who is behind it all.

    1. The market is the same for both panics- people who get off on Doom pR0n, and those who think being a Karen some how makes them moral and good.

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