This is CNN:

This is not a protest. Politicians have to pay for venues, security, and other expenses out of their campaign budgets.

When these people registered for thousands or tens of thousands of tickets they intended not to use, the Trump campaign had to pay for security and other expenses based on numbers they thought would attend but didn’t.

This wasted a huge amount of campaign funds.

The celebration of this, rather than calling it the foul play it was, is going to make everything worse. Win at all costs should not be how American politics is played.

That eventually  leads to bullets being used.  Once you remove fairness from the process, anything goes gets very ugly very quickly.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “CNN lionized a woman who helped coordinate the defrauding of the Trump rally”
  1. Absolutely agree. However, even without the added expense to the Trump campaign, this technique is nothing more than a childish prank. There is no “protest” involved. It is 100% pure unadulterated temper tantrum. Their party is not in the White House, so everything goes.

  2. The Commie News Network will lionize any progtard that defrauds people with “wrong-think.”

    After 10+ years of CNN having their nose firmly shoved into the rectum of the DemonKKKrat MinTru, I’d be more surprised if they reported something without bias.

  3. Also….it didn’t work.

    Short version: No one asked the campaign about it. They recognized tens of thousands of “fraudulent” registrations and removed them. Seating is not reserved by a registration, so everyone who wanted a seat got a seat.

    But, as with any good federal law, an attempt to deprive someone of their civil rights is a crime, whether it is a successful attempt or not.

    1. Although, there were several reports of the health screeners leaving their posts several hours before the rally started. That was the initial screening before you got to the Secret Service security screening. Can’t get past that gate, you cannot enter the arena.

      There were shenanigans going on, whether it was fraudulent ticket harvesting, or delaying/denying entry. No doubt about it. The leftists know they have to cheat in order to win, and they are not even being subtle about it any more.

  4. Any bets on whether the FEC has the balls to fine these jackasses for the election interference they’ve gleefully confessed to on national tv?

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