Illegal guns are remaining in the hands of organised crime as gang leaders refuse to give up their weapons.
Police have met with more than 50 gang leaders in an effort to get them to comply with firearm law changes before an amnesty ends.
But it’s proving to be fruitless, as the patched members remain “very reluctant”, Police Commissioner Mike Bush told the Justice Select Committee on Thursday.
Police meet with gang leaders to try and convince them to surrender guns during amnesty
New Zealand was supposed to be the shinning example on how “Gun Control really really really works if we could only have the power” but instead it has become a huge joke. First Law Abiding civilians responded to the confiscation demand with a humongous F and U. More threats have simply gone ignored and now the political clown show went to appeal to the criminal class about pretty please surrender the guns you were not suppose to have in the first place.
Hat Tip Kevn B.

Let me see if I get this right?
The police kindly ask the gangs to hand over their guns.
The police threaten otherwise law-abiding people if they don’t hand over their guns.
Maybe the police know that if the the criminals have zero compunction against shooting cops but otherwise law-abiding people are unlikely to become violent, so the police cynically treat hardened criminals gently while getting belligerent with otherwise law-abiding people.
Seems to me this is all the evidence needed to prove this is not about reducing crime but increasing control.
Surely you’ve noticed our domestic gun grabbers are obsessed with extremely rare events (lunatics motivated by ‘politics’) while ignoring the daily shootings done by career criminals? And that parallel to seeking to make peaceful citizens into criminals, the same gun grabbers’ allies are doing their best to stop enforcing any criminal law, anywhere they have the power?
“Never let a crisis go to waste”. They focus on those very rare events because they are effective PR tools in their propaganda machine.
Remember not to make the mistake of assuming their motives are honest.
New Zealand was supposed to be the shinning example on how “Gun Control really really really works if we could only have the power” but instead it has become a huge joke.
No, no, no. It’s exactly “how Gun Control really really really works”. Lawmakers make laws and criminals break laws. That’s how it works. Only the law-abiding turn in their guns. Only the good guys are disarmed.
What fucking bullshit. Police meet with gang leaders to so what is effectively negotiating with them. No average law abiding Joe would ever get that treatment.