Another one of O’Sullivan’s officers turned politicians outs himself.

I’m going to come right out and say it:

If a Democrat says that they served in the military, I will not assume that they are a patriot.  In fact, I will assume the opposite.  That they joined the military so that they could lead troops against American Citizens during a gun-grab or some other political purge.  That fighting in the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan was just how they gained battlefield experience for fighting their true enemy, the American people.

Far, far too many of these officers chose to use their military experience as evidence for why you John Q. Public Citizen need to have your Constitutional rights restricted by them.

People who swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution in their military service using their military service to undermine the Constitution.

When Jason Crow was going though CQB training at ShughartGordon, I don’t believe in his mind he was thinking about raiding Bin Laden’s compound.  I believe in his mind he was thinking about raiding your house because you own an AR-15.



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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Colorado Congressman Ranger Fudd wants to take your guns away”
  1. It’s long past time to start saying “thank you for your service” to people like this.

    “F*** you for your stolen valor” is more appropriate.

  2. I am saddened when military folks don’t seem to appreciate the country for which they served.

  3. The Second Amendment explicitly is about allowing the people to keep and bear “Weapons of War.” In fact in US v Miller, SCOTUS ruled that a Short Barreled Shotgun was not protected by the Second Amendment precisely because it had no relation to a well regulated militia.

  4. As for “I don’t take my M-16 deer hunting” — neither does anyone else who knows anything, because an M-16 and AR-15 are too low-powered to be appropriate for that use. In a number of states they aren’t even legal.

    It would be a good idea to consistently refer to AR-15s and the like as “modest power light-weight rifles”.

  5. Yup. Just another REMF. I don’t care if this guy claims to be an Army Ranger, signing up to be a dumbocrat voided that.

    Just another gun grabber.

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