Last night I was cleaning/organizing  my work bench when accidentally I elbowed  an AK mag and an AR mag at the same time, both landing on the floor.

With the AR mag, I thought “I hope I didn’t screw up the mag lips.”

With the AK mag, the thought was “I hope I did not chip the ceramic tile.

And that defines the difference between both.

PS: Yes, the AK  in the rear has rust in it. That was one of the lot of Serbian battlefield pick ups that I bought many years ago. I just cleaned that one (It hat actual dirt and vegetal remains inside), lubricated it and have not touched it in about 8 years, maybe more.  Works like a proletarian champion.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Conflicting thoughts.”
  1. AK mags are tuff. You can hammer tent stakes in with em then stuff it in a gun and blister it off. I have found P mags to be pretty reliable. I was told the mil surplus aluminum mags are designed to use twice in the field and throw away…myth maybe? Anyone have good/bad luck with them?

    1. I have heard that also (actually, one use) but tend to discount it. There’s a difference between being cheap enough to discard if expedient, and designed for single use.

  2. Magpul. One brand, two platform, both problems go bye-bye. (although it is hard to argue against the price of surplus AK mags, and Magpul AK mags don’t work in all AKs.)

  3. In my experience a quality USGI mag is good for a good long time, but one day without warning it’s no longer good. And it’s rarely something that can be fixed.

    The Gen 3 AR PMAGS are excellent. I’ve pretty much converted over to them except for my retro and nostalgia ARs.

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