The other day I said I don’t know how violence isn’t inevitable.

It is and our Government knows it.

Congressional leaders discussing a $2 billion package for new Capitol fencing and security personnel

Congressional leaders are discussing a new $2 billion funding package that would bolster security around the US Capitol and shore up vulnerabilities exposed by the January 6 attack, according to sources familiar with the talks.

There are many details to sort through amid a heated debate in Congress over how to respond to the attack on the Capitol.
Among them: A permanent fence around the Capitol, hundreds of new security personnel — either the National Guard or a military police presence — and new authorities for the District of Columbia’s National Guard to be dispatched in emergency situations, one of the sources said. The plan under consideration also would expand the US Capitol Police force, potentially by hiring hundreds more officers, and make changes to the USCP’s board.

Honoré’s report included many of the proposals the House is now considering, including putting up retractable and mobile fencing at the Capitol, providing additional authorities for the DC Guard and restructuring the Capitol Police board and improving Capitol Police intelligence gathering.

The Federal government is going to turn DC into a fortress defended at all times by loyal armed guards.

They know what they are doing is hated by much of the American people.

They know that what they have in the works is going to be hated even more.

They know they will use the next two years of Democrat majority in the Legislature and Executive to drive through every Progressive whim they have and that the American people will hate it.

So they are going to DC into their personal motte and bailey to insulate themselves from the inevitable ramifications of their actions.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Congress knows that violence is inevitable”
  1. Their biggest problem will be getting an adequate and ‘diverse’ Praetorian Guard that will swear loyalty to the Dems…

    1. The even harder thing is finding Praetorians who won’t decide that their commander should be the guy running things.

  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha…

    Then it should be even easier to shut off or severly limit there food and “bottled water”

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