Ted Lieu is the Congressman from California’s 33rd district, which represents part of Los Angeles.

Lieu’s credentials would seem to be impeccable.  He is a graduate of Georgetown Law, was editor of the Georgetown Law Review, and is a Colonel in the Air Force Reserve JAG office.

Unfortunately, politics is a corrupting force and becoming Congressman has rotted his brain and turned his soul into absolute dog shit.

According to the news “Trump’s lawyer to plead Fifth Amendment in Daniels case.”  Why?  Because it’s his right to do so.  It’s also the smart thing to do.  When it doubt, plead the Fifth.

The text of the Fifth Amendment is:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

What was Lieu’s response to this?

This is toeing the line of a Griffin error and is named for a SCOTUS case, Griffin v. California.  In a nutshell, a prosecutor cannot say “invoking the 5th Amendment right not to testify against yourself is evidence of guilt and the jury should convict.”

There is also a 4th Amendment equivalent – refusing to consent to a search is not probable cause for a search.

Well, when it comes to Trump, throwing the Constitution out the window it just another work day.  Why uphold Griffin when Trump is in office.

Ben Shapiro called Lieu out on this, to which Lieu doubled down in the worse possible way.

This is a Congressman and lawyer saying “if we can’t convict you, we’ll destroy your reputation.”  This is well outside the bounds of ethical behavior.

Lieu’s interpretation of the Constitution justifies show trials to ruin people.

The Democrat Part that Lieu represents isn’t about the law or the Constitution, it is about the total destruction of anybody on the other side.

This is frightening as hell coming from a sitting Congressman.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Congressman endorses show trials”
  1. “is a Colonel in the Air Force Reserve JAG office”

    My personal experience with JAGs when I was in was that they were as slimy as they come. I dealt with them in personnel matters, in my dealings with base housing, and as aircrew.

    During POW/Geneva Convention briefings, one JAG loved remind us that “JAGs can be POW commanders,” as if to inform us he’d be our commander in such a situation. First of all, he had about zero chance of being a POW amongst us bomber crews, as he would not be with us 1,000s of miles away when we were shot down. Second (and more importantly), he is a non-combat officer who cannot command combat POWs during captivity (also goes for chaplains and docs), the sole exception being pre-appointment by the SecDef. Typical lawyer sliminess.

    1. Is there any reason — beyond lawyers rigging things to the advantage of lawyers — for JAGs being commissioned officers? Make them warrant officers, like any other serviceman with a technical skill.

  2. Just think, clowns who think like him get appointed as judges. Which goes a looooong way towards explaining why our judicial system is so screwed up.

  3. What did you expect? He’s from California. We’ve been going the Soviet way for years. U.S. Constitution? Bah!

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