The Left talks a lot about justice reform. They have also jumped on, even started pulling, the anti-cop bandwagon.  They can’t “no justice, no peace” but the reality is that this is all partisan bullshit.

Most street cops, the boots on the ground patrol officers, are conservatives. They may not be Trump supporters but as the old expression goes “a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged,” and these cops are up to their eyeballs every day in the negative reality of progressive soft on crime policies.

Prosecutors on the other hand, especially in Blue cities and states, are overwhelmingly far Left progressives.  George Soros dumps huge sums of money into their elections.

These prosecutors are largely evil.  The zenith of these is Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance.  He was notorious for abusing New York’s gravity knife law to arrest and punish working class, often minority, residents. Construction workers, set crews, package handlers, carpenters, etc. were targeted for the pocket knives and box cutters they used for their jobs.

He did this for two reasons.  It generated a shot load of revenue for the city in fines.  It also boosted his conviction rate. That created a  reputation of being a hard-ass prosecutor that defense attorneys, especially over worked public defenders, were afraid to go up against.

Vance let Democratic king maker Harvey Weinstein off the hook for rape but nailed minority laborers to the wall over box cutters.

Finally the NRA, NAACP, ACLU, Public Defenders Union, Village Voice, and NY Post came together to stop him.  When that group gets together to call you a tyrannical ashore, you know they are right.

Kamala Harris is from that same school of prosecutors.  Serial child molesting illegals got the revolving door treatment. Children who sold Dixie cups of lemonade for a quarter without a business license got hammered so their parents paid fines.

Most recently we saw the St. Louis prosecutor charge a couple for defending their home from rioters but dismissed all charges against looters that ransacked the city.

The Left complains about police and makes the threat out to be the dozen unarmed black men shot by cops every year.

“They are executing us in the streets, daily” they scream.

The reality is that it’s prosecutors who are the threat.  Destroying the lives of defenseless minorities to generate revenue and build a reputation of success while engaging in politically selective prosecution of profile individuals.

Since the Left owns the prosecutors but the cops are conservative, the Left goes after the cops and protects the prosecutors.

This isn’t about justice. This is about power.  The power to protect their own and destroy you.

Lastly, if Trump and the GOP really wanted to swing minorities to the Right, they would go after (and make a show of it) abusive Leftist prosecutors for their wanton attacking of defenseless, poor minorities as a sacrifice to a reputation and revenue generation.



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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Cops, prosecutors, and the anti-justice Left”
  1. This isn’t about justice. This is about power. The power to protect their own and destroy you.

    Bingo. Power and control. It’s always about power and control.

  2. One problem is that prosecutors are supposedly subject to various rules, such as the rule that they must pass on to the defense any material that might be relevant and/or exculpatory.
    But often they do not. If that happens and they get caught, sometimes they get a tongue lashing from the judge. Rarely if ever is the case thrown out. Absolutely never are there any consequences for the offending prosecutor.
    The correct consequence would be a felony infringement of rights conviction resulting in a couple of years in prison, disbarment, and disqualification for office. But for some reason that never happens.
    I suppose Mencken explains it:
    “In nothing did the founders of this country so demonstrate their essential naivete than in attempting to constrain government from all its favorite abuses, and entrusting the enforcement of those protections to judges; that is to say, men who had been lawyers; that is to say, men professionally trained in finding plausible excuses for dishonest and dishonorable acts.” — H. L. Mencken

  3. Funny you should mention this…..
    Apparently, TN’s House Speaker just introduced a bill to allow the TN AG to prosecute state crimes if a local DA refuses to. Knowing the state GOP the way I do, I 100% believe this is in response to the Portland, Chicago, and St. Louis DA’s dropping charges against rioters. They’re afraid that Nashville and Memphis will do the same thing.

    Lefty twitter is furious about this “power grab” because apparently they don’t realize that local governments really are subservient to the State government.

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