Barely two weeks ago state governors were sending the police to act like jack-booted thugs and arrest business owners who were trying to reopen their business and make an honest living.  We were told that not staying home and socially isolated was going to murder grandma and anyone who went outside without a mask on to do something unessential was a monster.

If you dared to sit in a church parking lot in your car, dip your toes in the surf, or get your hair cut, politicians were threatening to fine you into oblivion and lock you up and throw away the key.

Now those same police departments and politicians are refusing to prosecute people arrested for rioting and looting, and letting them go under bail reform laws.  Police are taking a knee in solidarity with those engaged in civil unrest.

Business owners who were threaded with arrest for wanting to reopen are watching the police that threatened them do nothing as their businesses are ransacked, gutted, and burned.

How can any rational person look at this and believe that these governments are legitimate?

Go outside to buy groceries without a mask and get fined but go outside to steal TVs from a big-box retailer and no harm will come to you.

Is anybody who isn’t already on the far Left buying this bullshit and how will it play out in November?

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By J. Kb

One thought on “Coronavirus vs Riots”
  1. Personal opinion: The endless lockdowns and these riots are costing the left more votes than they are gaining by blaming it all on Trump.

    And, the news media are getting even more strident in their attempts to convince the US that the democrats are the answer.

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