This is absolutely a hill worth killing and dying on.

Everything in life is a risk/reward balance.

According to the government the risk of a non-vaccinated doctor or nurse giving a patient COVID and causing a severe negative reaction or death is worse than the risk of delaying the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, heart problems, disabiling joint disease, endocrine problems, and a myriad of other progressive diseases by bottlenecking access to medical care.

I don’t know who did that math but it’s wrong and evil.

I said before, I have a friend whose wife found a lump and was delayed treatment for the better part of a year because of the lockdowns. By the time she got in to see a doctor her cancer has spread and she nearly died.

If my wife found a lump or one of my children started to get sick and I was told “it’s going to be several months until we can see you because we laid off a whole bunch of staff over the vaccine mandate,” well…

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Countless people will suffer and die needlessly, but as long as it’s not from COVID nobody cares”
    1. Unless you are conservative/republican/trump supporter/white male, then you should be denied. Because you’re not human.

  1. They tried to scare the population with climate change, and everyone yawned. They tried with several economic bubbles, and everyone got over it.

    They tried with a virus, and they pulled off a Dave Kingman

    Nothing will compel compliance better than fear.

  2. Everything in life is a risk/reward balance.

    Why is it that this concept is so foreign to the vast majority of people? Why is it only some people see this?

    I’ve been struggling with understanding cost:benefit ratio of this since day 1 and it’s about insane. Back in March of ’20 there was that Japanese cruise ship (Diamond Princess?) that was the first “sealed environment” chance to study Covid and I thought that should be the model. It turned out to be right. If people had just based their predictions on that instead of that stupid Imperial College model – which (AFAIK) has never been right – a lot of suffering could have been avoided.

  3. Hey, at least he’d be loading a clip with a moderately effective (with the right filters) COVID mask. That should make the PTB happy, right?

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