Being a good person is difficult.

Being a bad person is easy.

There are few temptations so inveigling as to make being bad into being good.

This has happened many times before throughout history.

Persecutions, pogroms, every time a Klansman lynched a black man, a German beat up a Jew, a Turk attacked an Armenian, a Hutu killed a Tutti with a machete, the attacker had been convinced that they were in the right and in the side of virtue.

COVID has brought this evil to modern suburban America.

Harassing women in a store, kicking hungry children out of a restaurant, this is grotesque, but the perpetrators have been convinced that their vile behavior is on the side of the angels.

They are proud to be cruel when their cruelty is directed at an undesirable class.

I legitimately do not know how we step back from this peacefully, because society cannot function like this.


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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “COVID has given permission to horrible people to turn their maliciousness into a virtue”
  1. Until people like the guy at Target are caught in the parking lot or at home this will become normal all over. This all ends when we finally deside to say enough. Just don’t know when that is

  2. Those who are not compliant are outside of the universe of obligation. They are other. Y’all have me reading and listening. Thanks.

    “If we take the capsulation of minorities within the nation-state as a given condition, the implication of the Holocaust is that the life and liberties of minorities depend primarily upon whether the dominant group includes them within its universe of obligation; these are the bonds that hold or the bonds that break.”
    ― Helen Fein, Accounting For Genocide: National Responses And Jewish Victimization During The Holocaust

  3. It ends when the woman, the children’s father, goes all “OK Corral” on the perps,
    re holsters, and then says, “The bacon burger looks good!”, or, “I have coupons!”.

  4. Just an observation. Target sells Wasp and Hornet Spray. If it is out of season, they have a fine selection of spray cleaning products too.

    1. Using a pesticide off label is a crime. Don’t give them the opportunity to turn you into a criminal.

      A registered pesticide technician.

  5. If individuals don’t start doing as several have suggested here, then it will not end without generalized violence, at least in the s***hole cities where people are most likely to pull stupid stunts like these.

  6. II wonder what would happen if she would close the distance to her harasser, and cough on him. That might be fun.

  7. “You’re a bad person”

    “I am indeed. I can be much badder. I suggest you remember that if you continue to harass me.”

  8. I love how the person says “A business can set any rules they want. The unvaccinated should respect that and just leave instead of trying to cause a confrontation.”

    You know, like people who wanted for force bakeries to make cakes for gay weddings.

  9. Just your daily reminder that ‘democrat’ and ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ are nothing but synonyms for ‘grotesque subhuman monster.’

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