Here is a reporter in Australia ratting out Jews for celebrating Rosh Hashanah in Australia.

We saw the same thing in New York and other places.  The Jews try to celebrate High Holidays or mourn their dead during a pandemic and Leftists have to single them out.

The impetus for totalitarianism as a response to an emergency and Jew hatred is so deeply ingrained in the Left, they are inseparable.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Covid panic allows Leftists to single out Jews, no matter where they live”
  1. The Jews try to celebrate High Holidays or mourn their dead during a pandemic and Leftists have to single them out.

    Meanwhile, Barack Obama plans a birthday gathering and invites seven hundred (!) of his closest friends and family — who fly in from all over and fly back afterward, carrying any germs they might pick up — and it’s no big deal. Even less when they roll-back their invitee list to a mere four hundred (!).

    400-to-700 Leftists gather in one house to celebrate their high holiday (“Barackmas”, the Birth of St. Barack Hussein Obama), and there’s no story or risk to the public.

    “Up to 100” Jews gather in synagogue — and “dozens” outside it — to celebrate their High Holiday of Rosh Hashanah, and it’s ZOMGTHEMJOOSAREGONNAKILLUSALL!!!1!11!!

    But no, the media has no anti-Semitic bias. Just ask them!

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