FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — A Florida judge ruled Thursday that two deputies who were fired for inaction during a high school mass shooting in 2018 should be reinstated with back pay.

Broward Circuit Judge Keathan Frink concluded that arbitrators last year were correct in ruling that the fired Broward County deputies, Brian Miller and Joshua Stambaugh, should get their jobs back, with back pay plus other benefits, the Sun Sentinel reported. That includes accrued sick and vacation time, overtime and off-duty detail pay, among other benefits that they would have been paid had they not been fired.

One arbitrator had ruled in September that Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony acted 13 days too late when he fired deputy Stambaugh in 2019 for his conduct during the February 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The shooting left 17 dead.

State law says discipline against law enforcement officers must occur within 180 days of an investigation’s completion. Another arbitrator reinstated Miller last May, saying Tony had missed that deadline by two days.

Deputies fired over Florida school massacre to get jobs back, judge rules

In other news, Former and Disgraced Sheriff Scott Israel landed a cushy $65,000 a year job monitoring red light cameras in Davie, Fl.

This is why Broward is a cesspool of Democratic politics which will not get better any time soon.  Sorry but I can’t but suspect that the “misses” were done on purpose to curry favor with the rank and file. Israel’s job? Maybe somebody paying back a favor, who knows?

Hat Tip Roger G

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Cowards of Broward reinstated with back pay and all benefits.”
  1. So they used all the benefits, now they get the job back, plus back pay.
    What a vacation!!

    Worthless assholes! And whoever gave them such a break needs a new job.

  2. They were re-instated not because they were innocent or falsely accused, or semi-competent. Theyonly were re-instated because some other incompetent F-Wad didn’t do his job in a timely manner.

    “Congratulations on getting your job back! Too bad you are still an incompetent shithead!”

  3. Will be interesting to see if they get their Police Standards back, as that’s not a local issue, but one from Tallahassee.

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