The Left has gone monkey shit because a woman in Texas was sentenced to five years in prison for voting while on probation.

The woman, Crystal Mason, is a felon.  She served three years for fraud against the US government as a tax preparer. 

Of couse the Left is saying this is racist and

unfair.  She

lost her rights upon conviction and she should have known that.

Here’s the thing. “Are you a felon?” Is question 11.c. of a Form 4473.  Obama’s DOJ failed to prosecute most of the felons who tried to buy guns.

The lesson I’ve learned here is that the Left really has no problem letting felons exercise the rights they lost.

So much for background checks if they whine about felons being sent to prison for breaking the law.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Criminals guns and votes”
  1. Sssooooo does that mean if they turn all us law abiding gun owners into felons we can still vote??

  2. It takes a libtard to simultaneously believe that “Election fraud never happens!” and “Trump and the Russians stole the election!”

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