Remember when we say “Gun Control is not about guns but about control”? Again my best material provider, the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence comes along to prove the point. According to CSGV, if you do not utter the proper an approved patterns of speech, you should not have a gun. Double whammy!
I am not defending Pastor Scum, but one must remind the Cultural-Revolution-Loving Idiots of CSGV that our Constitution protects hateful speech, even theirs.
[…] don’t like throwing the “F” word around willy nilly, but I just don’t know what else to call this. Seriously? Exercise one constitutional right and lose another? No guns for those who’s […]
What is noteworthy is that he needs to carry a firearm because he insulted islam and per its tenets he must be killed by them. That is the reality of this intolerant religion. Whatever you think of burning the koran, his actions demonstrated the violence associated with islam, at least in the Middle East. The pastor did not perform or call for violence, rather he burned a book. Not morally equivalent!
Funny how CSGV ignores this and the obvious justification for his carrying a weapon. Please also note that the Second Amendment helps protect the First Amendment. It is kind of hard to speak your mind freely and exercise a religion that others may disagree with, unless if you can arm yourself for self-defense. The churches in Colorado and South Africa (if memory serves) do prove this point nicely.
And while it is true in use, I’m still bothered by “authorized to carry”. I hate that we have to get extra-special permission from the government to do something.
[…] anti-civil rights organization known as the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence believes that the right to bear arms is contingent upon your speech being acceptable (H/T […]
What is amazing to me is that Ladd Everitt held fast to the belief that just because he finds Reverend Jones’ religious beliefs/actions “extreme”, the government could forcibly strip his Second-Amendment-protected rights from him.
Uhm, the First Amendment was specifically written to protect freedom of religious expression and freedom of speech (both of which the burning of a book falls under), and the Second Amendment was written specifically to protect our rights to self-defense. Given the religious persecution many of the colonists experienced in England and their home countries, this is not a terrible surprise.
Once again, Ladd and the CSGV are woefully ignorant of history, but all too eager to deny rights to law-abiding citizens for no reason than their own phobias.
[…] Thirdpower, and Miguel all have their takes on this latest atrocity by the CSGV… I swear, is Ladd attempting to […]
[…] to Stop Gun Violence thinks that your rights are subject to their approval. More on the hate for those who exercise their […]