So the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence asked its Facebook Members the following:
And I am not surprised by the responses given, but what really scares is the depths of ignorance and intolerance the Laddites have. Here is a collage of some selected samples.
But one in particular is new to me and I have to say it takes the disturbing to a new level:
Annie Prusich False thinking that gun ownership makes your family safe when in fact the opposite is true. Reforming those that believe the falsehood that guns protect will help clear the way for laws that truly protect our families.
We have this twit, this imbecile actually advocating for Room 101? Maybe a good dose of The Ludovico technique? She wants the mental reprogramming of people. Holy God in heavens, we have American Citizens willing to do that to other citizens because of stupid politics that they do not understand and Constitutional rights they do not respect?

And we are the ones that need a mental background check, right.
Helmet tip to Steven T. for the wacko alert.
I wouldn’t pay anymore attention to this nonsense than I would the ramblings of a drunk at the bar. Asking these ignorant gits something like that is to ask me what changes I would make to improve DC arc welding: I know next to nothing about that technology, so anything I suggest would be complete garbage. It’s the same with these nuts.
Tell ya what bimbo, you wave that piece of paper (either a “law” or a restraining “order”) at the next home invader you have, and I’ll keep my gun. Get back to me after and let me know how that went OK?
I wonder how long a reply calling for complete repeal of NFA and GCA would last before it was deleted and the poster banned.
Could someone translate that into the original Russian?
Gungoodthink doubleplusungood crimethink. MiniTrue ungungoodthinkteach doubleplusgood.
ETA: It’s not Russian, but it’s the proper language for those on CSGV….
What a bunch of morons, you can’t cure stupid.
Those making these moronic comments have not paid any attention to history.
If they had, they would know every society that has ever been disarmed, have later experienced tyranny.
So say all the good little obedient, compliant and submissive victims over at CSGV…
I tell you what, let’s take another “outdated amendment” like the First Amendment and hamper them with licensing, registration, fingerprints and other restrictions before they can type on a keyboard.
This is what they propose with our Second Amendment rights, and I say that we limit their First Amendment rights because we all know that speech is far more dangerous then any weapon. For proof, look at the death and destruction that ideas like Mein Kampf, the Communist Manifesto, and the koran have wrought.
Their ignorance is palpable when you analyze their comments. This is why we have a Constitution so that emotional jerks don’t get to do stupid and irrational things.
I tell you what, let’s take another “outdated amendment” like the First Amendment and hamper them with licensing, registration, fingerprints and other restrictions before they can type on a keyboard.
The problem with that analogy is that the “Progressives” would staff the licensing agency with like-minded people, so that goodthinkful people would have infinite license to post what ever they feel, while doubleplusungoodthinkful people like us would be denied licenses to post our crimethink.
What a bunch of good ideas! Somehow the reality wiring in the minds of these people got all short-circuited. Maybe at birth. Probably not their fault – we should feel sorry for them.
Hillary Clinton is all for that reprogramming and re-education plan.
“we cannot let a minority of people — and that’s what it is, it is a minority of people — hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people,”
-Hillary Clinton