Probably “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”
And they did not forget to add the foaming-at-the-mouth comment about gun owners. Always a classic.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Probably “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”
And they did not forget to add the foaming-at-the-mouth comment about gun owners. Always a classic.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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I think Vin Diesel’s character in XXX gets a gun that can fire tranquilizer bullets (and other types), and Chuck uses a tranq pistol that looks like a normal pistol all the time in the later seasons.
So yeah, it’s too much TV.
Another one of my favorite Hollywierd myths, shoot them in the leg or something.
Hell with that.
What of course is even better is that when animal control or researchers tranq an animal they’re using a custom gun, and the load is being tailored for the specific animal, and even with that you have to watch to make sure the animal is tranquilized, and constantly watch to make sure they don’t stop breathing.
Attempting one-size-fits all tranquilizers might mean that a 250lb man might get really high, and a 150lb one might instantly go into cardiac arrest.
Given that most people shot with handguns survive, that’s “Less Lethal” enough for me.
Usually police will try to use a non-lethal method (e.g. Tasers, OC, dogs), but they are backed up by another officer armed with a rifle, shotgun or a service pistol. The lethal force option is always right there and is necessary because non-lethal tools do not always work as advertised.
The graveyard is full of people who were shot in the leg, got in the way of a “warning shot” or had a “less than lethal” round hit. The comments of S.T. display a profound level of ignorance.
It isn’t a bad idea. Drugs like fentanyl are unimaginably fast acting and potent. Coating a regular bullet would work; coating a .22lr bullet would work (less lethal than a .45); undoubtedly a competent engineer could make a better delivery system. The problems are (1) the drugs are schedule three, meaning that the government doesn’t trust regular people not to abuse them and become addicted. Would require new legislation – imagine combination ATF/DEA, (2) the amount of drug needed for the desired effect of immediate reliable incapacitation will necessarily be peri-lethal for some people, and (3) the side effects are serious enough that drug manufacturers would demand new legislation before allowing the drugs to be used that way. Watch TV and you see lawyer ads wanting to sue drug makers for well-known side effects.
Braden, also Police are not us. When some crazy drunk is walking around in traffic gumming up the works its my job to avoid hitting him and getting home, its the police’s job to round him up and dry him out.
For them they will have to deal with people who are NOT a lethal threat. If you’re being an asshole, but not a physical threat, I’m walking away.
That’s why I don’t carry less lethal, because any use of less lethal is either justifiable lethal force, or assault for a civilian.
Another case of ignorant people saying stupid things; you’d think at least a few of those idiots would do five minutes research before spewing that sort of drivel where everyone could see how dumb they are.
“I moved to Cali because it’s the only state left in Amerikka that hasn’t been taken over by religious right rednecks and teabaggers, so there’s a little tiny bit of personal freedom left. Not much, certainly not as much as any EU country, but more than any other US state.”
Seen on BC facebook page-a real laugher from Summit as a comment to his own initial entry dated Saturday at 11:47 PM
California is the most free state in the union?!?!