The interview with Juror B29 was all the rage…for about 8-10 hours yesterday. Still one quote from that interview is fueling the passions on both sides:
. Out of the bat. I have no idea what was in that woman’s mind when she gave the contradictory interview or if she was inoculating herself against being targeted by the “progressive” side threatening to kill anybody related with this case on the Zimmerman side (which reminds me, there is a group of Zimmermans down here in SoFla, unrelated to George and that you should really, really avid the hell out of them if you are into Social
lynching “Justice” for Trayvon.)
Like the intwerview or not, the juror did what she was supposed to do: weigh the evidence and decided if the State had proved its case beyond a Reasonable Doubt. Yet, some appear to have issues with the way the Justice System is set, namely CSGV Minions & Fans:
Michelle Singleton She literally could’ve and should’ve hung that jury but no now a babykiller us free.Smh.Unbelievable!
Kathy Abbott People who are on the jury need to by-pass all the mumbo-jumbo and go with what they believe!! The law is the law, and your belief is YOUR belief.
Sue Rolfe she didn’t have to vote not guilty.
Cindy Wilkinson Rines How do you get not guilty? He shot an unarmed teen and killed him, sound guilty to me. I didn’t realize it was ok to stalk and shoot someone at close range. A woman being beaten or raped can’t getaway with that! (GFZ:This is perhaps the one loaded with the biggest irony)
Robbie Sanchez Then she should have held out for the “GUILTY” verdict, too late for excuses..
Chuck Shea These women jurors let America down. Just maybe the next victim of gun violence will be one of their families.(GFZ: Wishing ill, always a crowd pleaser)
Pat Dangerfield If she felt that way the she could have changed the out come what a poor way to know express your guilt
Carol Cuoco Pough I think juror B37 had influenced them. Sorry… but a lot of women don’t always think for themselves– unfortunately they can be influenced. I am a woman I know how they can be. I would not have let anyone influence me. What’s right is right. Period. (GFZ: The “Women are stupid” explanation, and that comes from another woman.)
Kevin Leo Smith i’ve got mixed feelings about this juror, and the others of course.
they/her didn’t actually have to prove intent to convict. and if she really felt so compelled to vote guilty, she should have stood her ground. wth
Only a very small minority of commentators reacted against any infringement of the Jury process.
Ken McNamee It appears that opinions in this day and age are merely composed of a superficial or nonexistent understanding of the facts and an abundance of moral outrage. I suppose the outrage gets better ratings than the understanding.
Judy Coleman What B-29 believes is immaterial. She needed to vote on whether the prosecution proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt. The prosecution really did a lousy job. However, B-37 went into the trial convinced beforehand that “George” was not guilty.
Although alarming, it is not unexpected. The people who have displayed a disregard for the Second Amendment, find themselves applying the same disregard for the rest of the Constitution and we have seen this over and over again with CSGV and its Minions.
Also, and as point to ponder: Jury Nullification. Would you imagine a Jury composed of idiots like above deciding what Gun Laws and Self-Defense laws should or should not be on the books? A scary thought.
Well *technically* B29 didn’t have to vote not-guilty, and *technically* she could have hung the jury.
But instead she did what was right.
she was better staying jury b29,i think she was dumb for saying what she did,she should have keep to her guns,but the self defense was there,thats why she had to vote that way.
Their decision was based on laws and facts, not on emotions. If emotions ruled the courtrooms, there would be no justice. People like OJ and Holder would be in graves right now, alongside Casey Anthony. Laws are there to protect the innocent, not give warm fuzzies.
Are those all actual quotes? Good lord.
So it’s OK to intern people in camps if it’s the law and the courts give their approval but if the courts give an opinion using a law that the CSGV disagrees w/, we should ignore the law and resort to mob justice.
ahhh…gotta love these 4th trimester abortion candidates!
I know…you’re all thinking….” you on fucking drugs or just stupid dude?”. Relax…I’m well aware of how biology works. however……..a great many people are as stupid as the signers in this video….–9R0I2Q
BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That’s almost as bad as those who signed the petition to ban the dangerous chemical dihydrogen monoxide. After all, it contributes to soil erosion, eats metal, and kills thousands of people every year, even in small amounts.
Well, yeah. Whatever reduces freedom the quickest.
That’s their end goal, and they’ll do whatever it takes to achieve it.