By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “CSGV: The shoulder thing that points?”
  1. Great, now I have to go out and kill some defenseless porings so I can put some points back to INT after taking a massive hit from that guy’s idiocy.

  2. I’m outraged too! They couldn’t have found a more realistic-looking beard for that Santa to wear?

    Too bad they didn’t mount a reindeer’s head to the wall. Then they could’ve pissed off the PETA folks as well.

  3. Apparently, the CSGV has no idea how guns operate. In operations. By operators….

    1 finger is no where near the trigger
    2 guy in back has good trigger discipline
    3 that looks like a mk19 in the back, where do i get one?

    1. The AGL? I wouldn’t want one. I saw a Captain and a Sergeant spend the remaining time we had in the VFW post trying to reassemble the thing after they did a strip down of the weapon for us ROTC Cadets.

      Needless to say they took the pieces and tried to assemble it in the ROTC office.

  4. […] Giveaway Soldiers Angels Fundraiser – Scottsdale Gun Club Christmas Photo and the Shoulder Thing that Shoots Santa Mas Ayoob’s M&P15 .22 and heart warming story Gun Sales UP on Black […]

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