This is Long Island, New York.

The last few nights have proven one thing to all but those who live in the thickest, most impenetrable bubbles and loudest echo chambers:

The police are not coming to protect you, when the shit hits the fan the system will be overwhelmed, you are own your own and you must be your own first and last line of defense.

I will bet good money each and every one of these people is a first time gun buyer, and that each and every one of those people will be shocked that when they feel that they need a gun to protect themselves that the gun laws in New York are going to make that very difficult.

I don’t think the Left understands what it did to the gun debate.

Dem politician: “We need permits and mandatory waiting periods.”

Moderate  small business owner: “So when the riots start and I go to buy a gun after the first night, I have to wait 90 day for the paperwork to clear before I drop the cash, then I can’t pick up my gun until a week later?”

Dem politician: “Yes.”

Moderate small business owner: “Fuck you.”

Between the Rona and the Riots, A lot of people are being Red Pilled on guns.  It’s just too bad that for many of them that Red Pill came as a suppository.



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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Cuomo and de Blasio are the 2020 gun salesmen of the year”
  1. “That’s okay, I’ll just slip the counter guy a $100 and he’ll bypass all that stuff. I see it on TV all the time.” –Half the people in that line.

  2. What worries me is the yahoos whose only gun training is watching movies. “Yeah, you can walk around with your finger on the trigger, no problem.”
    Now that these clueless folks have guns, I fervently hope that there isn’t a spate of “accidental” shooting of family members and friends.
    Ladies and gentlemen, if you know a clueless citizen who finally realizes why you are a 2A supporter, please, please teach them the four rules, and make them repeat each one until they know them by heart.

  3. “too bad that for many of them that Red Pill came as a suppository”

    ROFL! Suppository? More like one of those yuude dildos progtards are so enamored with as seen with the cocks-not-glocks idiocy from last year.

    Pretty sure many now would trade a dildo for a gun in a heartbeat with all these rioting happening in progtard enclaves. LOL

  4. Much like the toddlers that the leftists have demonstrated themselves to be time and time again, they went too far. They kept going and going.

    Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election, turned into Trump is nominating rapists to the SCOTUS, to Coronavirus is going to kill everyone and Trump is incompetent, to tripling unemployment benefits, to a bill that has stuff totally unrelated to the virus, to riots demanding justice for Floyd… (what justice do they actually want anyway…)

    The sum of all the above is beginning to educate the average voter that the politicians are not on your side. And, I am talking about all politicians, even though one side of the political aisle had a much shorter path to follow to demonstrate swamp level behavior.

  5. “Between the Rona and the Riots, A lot of people are being Red Pilled on guns.”

    Doesn’t matter. Because in the end they will still vote for the same people that Advocated and pass the same laws that they despise now. Why? Because they are Democrats and their opponent is Republican and to them all Republicans should be exterminated.

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