Fourteen New York Democrats are seeking to strip Gov. Andrew Cuomo of emergency powers granted to him throughout the COVID-19 pandemic after a top aide revealed his administration withheld data about nursing home deaths in New York from Justice Department investigators.

“Without exception, the New York State Constitution calls for the Legislature to govern as a co-equal branch of government. While COVID-19 has tested the limits of our people and state– and, early during the pandemic, required the government to restructure decision making to render rapid, necessary public health judgements– it is clear that the expanded emergency powers granted to the Governor are no longer appropriate,” a joint statement by the state Senators said.

Supporters of the measure included Sens. Alessandra Biaggi, Jabari Brisport, Samra Brouk, Jeremy Cooney, Andrew Gounardes, Robert Jackson, John Liu, John Mannion, Rachel May, Elijah Reichlin-Melnick, Gustavo Rivera, Julia Salazar, James Sanders and James Skoufis.

14 Democrats in NY Senate want repeal of Cuomo’s emergency powers

New York is/was supposed to be the shinny example of everything good that comes with Liberalism in the era of Kung Flu. When the pandemic was getting started, rather than support Trump on travel restrictions, they condemned him as racist. NYC was probably the first using the double standard of political Non-contagious mass gatherings by telling people celebrating Chinese New Year was totally safe. Then Cuomo went all the opposite and pretty much shut down the state and de Blasio did the same with the city to a level that not even the destruction of the Twin Towers by Bin Laden could do.

And when Florida’s Governor decided to escape the COVID reservation, It was the image of Cuomo who stood in contrast with what crazy “DeathSantis” was doing. We were told pretty much “You just wait! By the end of summer, Florida will be a field of death while New York will be a shinning example of health. We will come back stronger than ever and Florida will be a wasteland.”

New York cried and was given resources to fight the pandemic that would make smaller nations cry in thanks. They were either misused or ignored. Why?  My guess is they did not want to look like they owed anything to Orange Man.

And I believe that above all, it was propaganda so the Democrats could say “See? We can be effective in emergencies! We can save people! Just look at New York!”

But while the media  ignored and probably hid the real happenings, after the election there was no longer that need and it was time to destroy Cuomo before he believed himself to be valid White House material to run against Kamala. It is getting harder and harder to use New York as example of how do things right during a pandemic when NYC looks like an abandoned post apocalyptic  city that got hit by a unspeakably malady.

Actually they did get hit. Democrats are in charge.  There are more people this morning going to the average flea market in South Florida than in Times Square in NYC.

You can only hold the lie so long before it starts to poison you back.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Cuomo being prepped to go.”
  1. And a year from now it’ll be “everyone always knew he was lying and you’re a conspiracy theorist if you say otherwise.”

    We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

  2. I admit I’m puzzled as to why they’re in full-court press mode now against Cuomo.

    It can’t be the Covid deaths. They don’t give a crap about those. His political ambitions? Why would THAT bother them? Heck, having him as an extra backup is useful if Polident Joe keels over early and they need to install Harris. Harris was, and is, going to be wildly unpopular, and Cuomo would be an excellent way to ‘smooth the waters’ with a 2024 bid.

    I can’t help but wonder if there’s something I’m missing here.

    1. My guess is they know something about him that has not yet made the “news” and his political ambitions will likely let it get found out. Something big. Like Epstein-big. Easier to knife him in the back now than to let him continue. Hell, all it would take is him having gathered dirt on Hillary in preparation for a presidential campaign and he would have signed his own death warrant (political or literal).

      Maybe this is just in-fighting amongst the jackals, sorting out which one is alpha and where the rest fall in the pack. Cuomo is doesn’t fit in, obviously.

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