He pulled his own version of Hillary’s “What difference does it make?” but writ toushandfolds with eldely New Yorkers dying in nursing homes because he ordered them put there and then hid the numbers!.
“Who cares? … They died.”
Who cares? We do you sack of pestilent human DNA. There is a difference between dancing in a club and dancing in a minefield. Yes, they both will die, but one set will do eventually many years from now and the other may not make it to the end of the song. You forced seniors to dance in a minefield and then tried to hide the casualties.

Whoops! Bunch of folks died because I am incompetent. But, they are dead now, and I cannot bring them back, so let’s just move on.
Wonder how well that defense would work in criminal court.
“Your Honor, my client should go free because the victim is dead. Punishing my client will not bring the victim back to life. So, why waste the time and money?”
“At this point, what difference does it make?”
Saint Hillary of Chappaqua.