I saw Miguel’s last post.

I saw this meme earlier this week in reference to the disgusting attacks on Rep-elect Luke Letlow.

There has been an explosion in STDs this year, for a variety of reasons.

Given that HIV is incurable, has no vaccine, and does cause death, I wonder if Cuomo’s goon squad is going to go around and detain every HIV positive man in Greenwich Village and Chelsea?

If not, they should.  Not that I want to see anyone’s civil liberties violated.  But it would be deliciously ironic that one of the biggest Left leaning demographics in NYC get tossed into concentration camps, not by Pence, but by the Leftist hero Andrew Cuomo.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Cuomo lays the groundwork for gay concentration camps”
    1. Heart attacks relating to both surgery and blood clots are common. The miserable Leftists are still taking a victory lap because the narrative is set. Also it shows you that “died with COVID” and “died of COVID” are treated as the same to drive the fear narrative.

  1. Re both this post and the last …

    I should simply like to ask whether these will be the death camps we were promised when Trump was elected?

    Because if so, I’m unimpressed. Four years and we’re still waiting for martial law to be declared across the country, for pete’s sake. (As opposed to wannabe state-level tyrants and tyrantettes. Governors seem to have gotten with the program … at least some of them.)

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