By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Cuomo tortured the Jews and destroyed New York out of fear not science”
  1. I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating:

    Voting Democrat if you’re Jewish is akin to giving them the ammunition to shoot you with.

    I have no onus against American Jews, but they need to pull their heads out of their collective asses and realize what kind of people they keep voting for.

    1. I don’t think I agree with you there John.

      Torture comes in many forms, including mental abuse. Denying the Jews the freedom to follow their religion, to hold services, to conduct funerals, while ignoring every other religion is a form of torture. It is what the queen of the mean girls club does to torture those she does not like.

      The actions of Cuomo and deBlasio toward the Jews is conducted to demonstrate how powerless they actually are, while simultaneously enraging them. That combination causes intense stress, depression, fear… a whole range of impossible to dismiss emotional states. In other words, torture.

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