Live camera of NYC’s (Pop. 8.3 million)Time Square, one of the most famous locations in the world.
Live cameras (They switch) from Hollywood, Florida (Pop. 154,817) a nice little beachside town.
Even taking winter weather in consideration, Times Square should be 10 times as busier. Yet it is just almost a ghost town.
Bonus: Remember we covered the consequences of NOLA Mayor Latoya Cantrell ordering all bars closed for Mardi Gras? This is the corner of Bourbon Street and Church Street. The Heart of Old New Orleans.
And she drove a stake through it
This malfeasance and mismanagement will extract a price, sooner than later.
Budgets will collapse and they’ll squawk for bailouts.
I just hope the pushback from well run states like mine is intense. There’s no reason on this planet we should have to bail out numbnuttery.