How generous of him to tell us that the camps we will be put in will have water in the showers.

It’s also a nice touch to revoke our citizenship because he disagrees without politics.

My favorite part of this little rant is where he says we’re all Nazis, worse than Nazis really, because we had 70 years to figure out why the Nazis were the bad guys, then says that he wants to make America Trumperein.

He can tell me that the showers will have water in them but forgive me if I don’t believe him.

I’m not going to hide in the woods or in my neighbor’s attic while he has his buddies engage in a Trumperaktion.

There is a reason I am a gun owner.

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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “Daily reminder that the Left beleives they can bring around Utopia if only they put all the undesirables in camps”
  1. Y’know what… at least real fascists *look* better than this elf wannabe.

    I don’t wanna put him in a camp. Then I’d be paying for his meals… again.

  2. “The Trumpers are cheering on the Taliban because they are terrorists. They’re all working for Putin.” What??? WHAT??? Who is pushing that BS narrative?

    That is the most incoherent, insane string of paranoia I’ve ever heard. How many “Trumpers” does this guy actually know? I don’t know a single person of any stripe cheering on the Taliban. Trumpers want to put them in camps without water but they’ll give Trumpers water in their camps? I’ve never heard any conservative speak of genocide or camps. We’re solidly against both. What we want is a truly fair election process and liberty — things to which this guy is clearly opposed.

    Is he a troll, or are people really that divorced from reality?

    1. The only way to be sure left would use water in the showers instead of Zyklon B would be if they could be convinced that Zyklon B was a greenhouse gas and would “destroy the environment.” Actually, Communists prefer starvation to remove unwanted populations anyway: cheaper and easier (e.g. Ukraine, China, N. Korea, etc).

    2. He is a troll, just look at him(it). And he(it) is that insane.
      Be ready, the cattle cars are being hooked up as we post.

  3. I don’t think this is every democrat.

    What disappoints me, though… How many other democrats will call him on his violent fantasy? Reminds me of the “religion of peace” imams who will say they are peaceful but will never denounce the actions of their terrorist brethren.

    1. Talk to any liberal long enough, and they will disclose to you that anyone who fails to go along with their ideas will be put into camps.

      One reason that I own guns is that it is impossible to load people into boxcars while they are shooting you in the face.

      1. I don’t think you would even need a gun if this effiminate tool showed up to take you away. I, personally, would just give my 9 and 12 year olds whiffle ball bats.

        1. Naw. Guys like that are never the ones actually loading the boxcars and doing the killing. They just aren’t door kickers. Instead, they force others to do the killing.
          All of these assholes assume that the Communist Utopia means that they get to write Internet poetry and smoke weed while everyone else has to work in the factories and fields. See, they are the smart, enlightened ones. It’s the other people who will do the toiling.

          1. They all also assume that when the Communist Utopia comes, that they’ll be allowed to live there, and not be buried in a mass grave with a bullet hole in the base of their skulls, along with the rest of the “useful idiots”.

            History says that supportive non-producers like him are the first to go after political opponents are routed.

    2. The difference between a satanic demoncrat(terriorist) and moderate demoncrat(religion of piece imams)?
      The moderates want to watch/help satanic demoncrat terriorists kill normal people.

    3. “I don’t think this is every democrat.”

      To repeat a tweet in that thread:
      I do

      ” How many other democrats will call him on his violent fantasy?”

      I suppose that’s merely a rhetorical question as it answers itself and also addresses your first statement.

  4. My mother talks exactly like this. She is as far left as you can get; watches MSDNC 8-10 hours a day every day almost nonstop.

  5. I think the correct answer is to get some corporate pressure on this guy.

    Call Nintendo of America. Tell them that some dude wearing a Zelda/Hyrule logo shirt is advocating repeating the Japanese internment episode of the 1940s, albeit along other societal lines, and that if they don’t denounce and demand their copyrighted material be removed from this context, that we’ll assume they support it and that they’re due for a boycott. (And that the Switch is an interesting-but-mediocre platform and for that MSRP they can do better.)

    I mean, it’s what the Left would do to any company that “supported” any whacko to the right of Chairman Mao by “allowing” him/her to wear their copyrighted logos, right? It works both ways.

  6. The only time I’ve seen anything that could be even remotely twisted into ‘supporting the Taliban’ would be all the ‘chad’ memes from the Taliban on twitter that were being shared around as ‘holy crap, unlike the left the Taliban can meme’, and a few people on some of the memes went ‘well f***, they have a point’ like the flip-flop Taliban vs the high-heeled ROTC cadet march.

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