They want to make sure you don’t have the upper hand when a mob of Antifa, waving commie flags surrounds your house and curses at you.

Although, under that situation, home defense really feels like it should be belt-fed.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “This is why they want to take your AR-15 and 30 round mags, also damn the NFA to hell”
  1. P51 with 40 round mags… 8.5 inch barrel .308 rock n roll switch.. makes people 2 miles away scream..belt feds are nice but bulky heh heh heh

    1. If you are going with 8.5″ you might as well just use x39 vs x51 because the velocity is about the same.

  2. Target recognition systems linked to the property line. Step over it, and it fires something heavy and low velocity automatically. Turret mounted.

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