David Hogg demonstrated the mental acumen that makes him a Harvard man.

It should, should it?

Pray tell how do you do that?

First of all, what background checks are necessary to see a therapist?  Are felons prohibited from getting therapy?  Can you not see a therapist across state lines?

Maybe I’m focusing on the wrong part that sentence.  Maybe I should focus more on the “affordable” part.  Maybe his issue is that therapy can be expensive for those without insurance or those with limited coverage, while you can buy an AR-15 for less than $400.

A few days ago I broke down the price-fixing fantasies of Beto O’Rourke on guns and insulin.

At least the insulin and guns comparison were both mass-manufactured consumer goods.

A therapist is an educated and licensed professional.  The affordability of therapists is driven by supply and demand.  There may be a great demand, but the supply of people with the intellect, drive, personality, and resources to go to college then grad school for 10 years or more for a Ph.D. or Psy.D. is limited.  Even earning a masters to become a licensed therapist is more intensive than most people are able to do, considering that across the board only 13% of the population has more than a college education.  That doesn’t include passing the board certification exams.

That restriction means that unlike guns or even insulin, you can’t just scale up equipment to make more.

You could reduce some of the barriers to entry, but lowering standards just means that the “affordable therapists” are also not good at their jobs.

So while this sounds like a nice platitude, it’s economically ridiculous.  The things he likes should be cheap and the things he doesn’t like should be expensive because of feelings.

I’d like to know what else he’s like to price-fix to make him happy.

Not just will David Hogg destroy gun rights, he’ll destroy the economy too.  Then again, that usually goes hand in hand.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “David Hogg also has opinions on supply and demand”
  1. For reference, my wife is an LCSW and bills $230 for an initial session and $160 for subsequent sessions so the $395 AR strawman buys 2 hours with a state licensed therapist. Of course you don’t need a 4473, and a NICS check and many insurance companies pay for therapy.

  2. Back in the day of cassette tapes, someone marketed a “portable therapist” tape to put in a Walkman. Every 10-15 seconds it would play a voice saying, “Hmmm.”, “I see.”, “Go on.” or “How does that make you feel?”

    Affordable therapy for $10

  3. “Affordable therapist” is a subjective term, but what the heck.

    I could also say, “It shouldn’t be easier to get a full-ride scholarship to Harvard based entirely on fake ‘victim’ status than a gun.”

    But that might hit a little too close to home.

    Just sayin’.

  4. If you are poor and unemployed, you get all medical for free. Including counseling and therapy.
    Of course, if you are poor and unemployed, you might also be one of those intrepid individuals who get guns and everything else for free–by stealing and robbing.
    I doubt if Hogg can even fill out the forms at the local Walmart, without assistance. So it’s definitely easier for him to get a therapist than a gun.

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