From the Twitter account of David Hogg:

Yep, he wants Publix to donate One Million Dollars do an anti-gun organization because Publix donated money to a pro-business Republican Gubernatorial Candidate.

What he really wants to do is sink Publix.

If Publix did this, the law of “go woke, go broke” will hit them hard.

Compare this map of Publix locations:

With this map of states by gun ownership:

Pissing off between 31.6% and 48.9% of your potential customers in your core business states is what we who study economics call a “really fucking bad idea.”

I think Publix is smart enough not to do this.

Still, I would love to see Publix tell Goebbels Jr. to fuck off.

Hogg has more than tipped his hand that he’s not out there for student safety, but that he’s a rabid, far Left, partisan who will destroy anything and everything he can that he think gets in his way.

Kowtowing to people like that never works.  Never pay the Dane Geld.


RD informed us in the comments that Publix caved.

I went straight to the source.

From the Tampa Bay Times:

Amid a growing backlash for its sizable donation to pro-NRA gubernatorial candidate Adam Putnam, Publix has said it will evaluate its processes for giving to ensure it better reflects the chain’s “intended desire.”

In its most recent statements to associates and the media, Publix says it regrets the donation has caused “unintentional customer divide instead of (a) desire to support a growing economy in Florida.”

I am of mixed minds about this.  On the one hand:

As of right now, Publix only decided to stop donating to politicians.

It seems that they want to play it neutral to avoid controversy.

They have already given Putnam $670,000 dollars and are not asking for it back.

They have not donated to any anti-gun groups.

I will accept this act of neutrality and have no reason to stop shopping at Publix.  If, however, they give the Million to Hogg, then the shit will hit the fan.

On the other hand:

They did reinforce Hogg’s narcissistic belief that he can bend America to his will by being a tyrannical little shit on social media.

That’s not good.

I won’t consider this caving.  Caving is aquessing to Hogg’s million dollar demand.  Saying “fuck it, we upset customers, we’re stepping out of politics, no more money for anybody” is a position I’ll respect.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “David Hogg wants to sink Publix – UPDATE”
  1. Going to my local Publix at 4pm today to see if any local progtards were stupid enough to listen to Goebbels Jr.
    My cart will be loaded to bear with heavy items so the anti-gun bitches better get out of the way. 😉

    1. Didn’t see any progtards laying on the aisles but did read that Publix corporate caved in as I was standing in line to pay. Asked the cashier to stop & cancel the transaction, told her why and I put the groceries back. Then left for a non-Publix grocery to get what I needed.

      They gave in to the loud whining of a small crowd of SJW’s. Guess in the coming months they will find out what “go woke, go broke” means, as the silent majority votes with our wallets.

  2. Kinda O/T – who would have thought very liberal Hawaii would have one of the highest rates of ownership at 45.1%.

  3. This still smells a bit like surrender. Was there a better way to exit politics without appearing to be listening to David Hogg, the man-boy (depends on if he is saying he is an adult and should be listened to or a child so he cannot be criticized).

    Seriously, all activist businesses should be officially neutral on politics and social causes. Let the business owners privately support their causes, but officially they should keep them neutral. It’s a sound business model.

    Companies like Dick’s, the NFL, Target, United Airlines, and Delta Airlines should stay the hell out of politics and pet social causes. Why does their business care? All I can do is punish them by not giving them any business and I have a long list of boycotted companies.

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